Charge HR + guided breathing sessions

I noticed that recently there was a firmware update for the Blaze to use guided breathing sessions? Is it possible to release a firmware so that the Charge HR can be updated with guided breathing sessions? 

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Jenny.tthanks for this suggestion. There are no current plans to release guided breathing or relax feature on Charge HR. This feature is currently available on Ionic, Blaze and Charge 2. You can find out more here:

First Steps

Would love to get this feature on Fitbit charge HR too! Love my Fitbit product!!


I bought my Charge HR with the understanding that my REM, light and deep sleep cycles would be monitored and then made available to me. I have diabetes and sleep apnea, am reitred (so funds for Play Pretties are low) and I had hoped that this Charge HR would be a worthwhile expense for helping me deal with these 2 medical problems.

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