Color Blind mode on the Fitbit app

As a colour blind person I find it very difficult to read many of the graphs and analysis- Mustard yellow and apple green and orange all look very similar to me- a Simple "color blind mode" would be greatly appreciated.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

First Steps

I am legally blind and struggle mightily to see anything on a white background. Windows Phone 8.1 on my Nokia Lumia 1520 has allowed me to use black background for about 95% of my native and third party apps.

Please offer a black background or a dark mode as an option for those of us who can't see on white backgrounds or for those of us who don't want to be blinded at night while using Fitbit on Windows Phone.

 As of right now I find the Fitbit app extremely difficult to see and read due to the white background and fonts that don't contrast well.  

First Steps

I can't tell the light vs. intense colors apart on the Activity tile. Other folks must also have this problem and probably on other tiles, too. At least a few percent of people have this problem with colors.


It would be good to use different colors or shades of grey (or make it editable) and better yet, to use different patterns (e.g. bar patterns that are color-neutral like solid, horizontally striped, 45 degree striped, etc.)

First Steps

Hello Fitbit,


Please offer a b/w only display. The fonts you have that say "floors","steps", "cals", etc

are very hard to see. Please offer straight black and white display to offer my *contrast* to 

users.  eg. show "MILES" in the same font as the white number above it.

eg. Show the date in the same clear, white font above it. Not the current gray font.


Please help.




First Steps

ABSOLUTELY. Not being colorblind safe these days in inexcusable and the FitBit dashboard isn't colourblind safe. "Light" and "Intense" look the same to me and may do for 8% of men.

First Steps

The grey font throughout the website is really hard to see for visually impaired users and should be changed as soon as possible. 


FB support asked me to post my concerns in this forum. The nice, soothing soft colours are great for people with proper vision, but they fail to offer enough contrast for those of us who are colourblind. It's time to offer an optional high contrast theme that gets away from soft red and green-influenced colour schemes.


Changing the colours of the dashboard is essential, I am colour blind and on the bars representing the step intensity within the dashboard tile are terrible, the yellow amber and green are not differentiated enough for me to tell them apart. (well the amber is ok, but the other two are identicle).


Ideally being able to change these bars to more useful colours or perhaps various colour schemes would really help.


FITBIT  - 8% of all men suffer colour blindness, About .5% of women suffer from color blindness. 99% of all colorblind people are suffering from red-green colour blindness.

Sort it out so the charts make sense to us please...


First Steps

I am not color blind, but I would also like to plead with designers and programmers at Fitbit to consider incorporating custom color options for the Fitbit Dashboard/App. The Red/Yellow/Green system is value-laiden and unnecessary—I am not motivated by passive aggressive shaming, and I know I'm not alone on this. 


I am also colour blind and appreciate the points made above and would greatly appreciate the option to alter the colour scheme of the charts, particularly heart rate zones and in/out/over daily calorie burn vs intake allowances.

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Hi there, @mattym.

Thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion. We appreciate your candid feedback on this topic. We believe everyone should be able to access and enjoy our products and we’re working on ways to improve support for our customers experiencing disabilities.
To learn more about accessibility features and support on Fitbit devices, see our help article

I have to agree.  Some of the graphs are impossible for me to read (partial red-green).  This seems like an easy fix and something that could be set in settings, so those with different kinds of colorblindness could select the appropriate one.


Please please change the colors!!!

First Steps

The new color scheme for my Windows 10 Fitbit App (Laptop) makes it very hard for color blind folks like myself to read.  It would be nice if the color scheme could be adjusted to make it more readible. 

Hello there -- As a colorblind woman I thought I'd mention to the developers that one of the things I'm having trouble with is the sleep graph, not so much for the colors chosen, but because the graph bar's thin-ness makes it difficult to distinguish on a small phone screen. You see, most colorblind people aren't seeing things in black and white, they are just missing sections of the visible spectrum due to cone deficiencies in their eyes. So sometimes it's helpful to not simply change the colors in a design (because there are roughly eight varieties of colorblindness, not just "red-green") but to find a way to make the design more readable overall. In the case of the hard-to-read sleep chart, might I recommend the bars be made 2-3 times thicker, with colors of definite varying value tones. Overall I've been enjoying my Fitbit charge hr, and love that there's a way to approximate how much I sleep. If I could actually read the chart without consulting my color-sighted husband in the morning, it'd be even more awesome. Thanks, Laura
Not applicable

I see that this request was made some considerable time ago and yet we are still stuck with indistinguishable colours. It is rather frustrating to not be able to differentiate between "light" and "Intense."


Any timeframe for this improvement?





First Steps
Can you please use color other than green in the development of the application and with the writing because I have problems seeing things in green. Thank you!
Stepping Up

Roughly 50% of men have noticable colorblindness (XY chromazone issue). I see that you have already received many comments about folks not being able to distinguish between the two lighter colors on your graphs (I think one person said that they are green and yellow; I'm colorblind, so I can't tell you); the dark color and the grey are OK for me.


My suggestion is to make each color a different Lightness/Darkness value, no matter what color you choose - I believe that all colorblind people can discern the Lightness/Darkness value of the colors, even if they can't name the color being displayed; we will see the difference is Lightness/Darkness and, thus, be able to distinguish which ledgend value is being represented.

First Steps



I would just like to say that although I'm not colour blind, I too have difficulty with the white background. It's of note that if you want to "share" your record it has 4 different background options - so why aren't those options available as standard for the dash board?


This suggestions was put forward last year - how long before the desingers take note?


Please put the colour options for the dashboard in place soon 😞

First Steps
Please make colors in graphs more distinct from each other. Many of the chosen colors are identical to the colorblind. The heart rate long term graph page is a very good example.
First Steps

Yes, I'd like this too. This message was first posted in mid 2015, with no response yet....

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Thanks for participating in the Forums, since this idea has be inactive for quite a while it has been categorized as Archived and it can now longer receive votes and comments .Thanks for sharing your ideas in the Community. 

First Steps

for a big problem no answer?
is there still someone?


Colorblind fitbit users still have trouble using the app due to poor color choices.  You need test groups to give you feedback.

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