Define Gender in the profile more accurately

Please include "Non Binary/Gender Queer" in your profile gender options.

Gender is not binary (biological sex or identity) and only offering "Female" or "Male" options alienates and invalidates part of your customer base (me included). Using biology to define gender as only male or female also excludes trans people. 

Here is a great resource for better understanding gender: Your information is outdated at best but can be yet another way NB/GQ people are marginalized by institutions and companies. We exist! 

I would also like to include that you should perhaps do some company wide training on how to engage with GQ/NB/Trans customers, because telling us that it's just biology is as mentioned, inaccurate and very alienating. It's pride month. Please do better.

Moderator Edit: Updated label

Recovery Runner

I recently came out as non-binary and got a new Charge 4 for Christmas. I was shocked in setting it up to find that there were only male and female options for gender since. I was even more astounded that this issue was originally raised nearly four years ago and there has been no progress in that time. I work in a hospital lab and we may be lagging behind in recognising gender outside the binary (we are maiking progress), but I'd expect a company who is in the health and wellbeing tech ffield to be on the ball with this, especially as I'm sure it's a major topic with the target demographic of such gadgets. Please sort this out, Fitbit

First Steps

@BexGymBunny congrats on coming out! 

Unfortunately the mainstream

fitness industry lags WAY behind on modern gender/sex science, and I can't think of anything more mainstream than FitBit. The watch itself is okay, but I cancelled my Premium before it cost me anything. If I'm going to pay, it's gonna be for a more complete and *less* binary-centric app like Cronometer - it can import your FB info and has better science/fitness nerd info IMHO. Not perfect,  but much less dysphoric BS.


The last time a FitBit Mod bothered to comment was in 2018 and it's still not fixed, so, I doubt this is something they're working on.  I for one am tired of knocking on doors of huge companies who don't do their own work to tell them how to earn my money.


Google "The Qu**r Gym" (but use the word- didn't wanna get Mods attention for the first time with a delete) and "Decolonizing Fitness." You'll  find some good stuff there, if not for FitBit. 

Much love!

Not applicable

@BexGymBunny Welcome to the Rainbow! We raised this issue last year as well, and totally understand your frustration. We are about ready to sell our FitBit Sense that we bought on installments because we have begun HRT to align more with our feminine side and the boxes are just not good enough anymore. We echo everything @Aspen-Drake said. We never bought the premium, though, even though they keep hounding us for it.



First Steps

@SunsetRunner congrats on the HRT journey!!! 🎉🎉🎉


May the winds always be at your back and the sun upon your face, and the winds of estradiol and spirolactone carry you aloft to dance with the stars! :glowing_star:  😉😁





First Steps

I’m new to Fitbit and as a non-binary person it was disheartening to see only two options for gender on the account page. 

Where you aim to assist in menstrual tracking it wouldn’t be too difficult to add a drop down if someone chose non-binary and then ask if they menstruate to accurately set the profile up. 
Or just have that as an additional question in general, as a trans man is a male, but may still menstruate. They may or may not want to have that included in their activities. 

on account Settings there should be way to select more than just male or female or a custom option
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Pyroman1974, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about having the option to define gender in the profile more accurately. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps

@YojanaFitbit maybe instead of just moving it…..


Here’s an idea!



WOW! What a novel idea!


It’s been nearly FOUR YEARS since this was brought up and it STILL hasn’t been fixed?!


What the ACTUAL hell?!?!?


It’s 2022 people!


First Steps

@PJThePrinxess I completely agree with you, though I'm guessing@YojanaFitbit doesn't make those decisions. 


I literally threw the FitBit I won in the garbage. Staying on these update emails to support other Trans folks.

As @PJThePrinxess and others above said, it's 2022 and FitBit is doing HARM TO TRANSGENDER PEOPLE and BREAKING LAWS by not addressing this! 

I'm a professional advocate in NY and once I get my social media back in order, maybe it's time to call y'alls out with some trouble on social media. 

Recovery Runner

I also agree with @Pyroman1974  that FitBit needs to change the way the talk about sex and gender in their device. Whenever I use the device and see that my “Sex” is listed as something that is at odds with my gender, makes me feel uncomfortable, dysphoric, and then some anger towards FitBit. It definitely does not motivate me to continue to use the device or recommend it to anyone. Those feels are not healthy… they are the opposite… which means FitBit is indirectly promoting unhealthy mental health (which then effects physical health).


In Canada we have 3 options for our passports, driver’s licences, health cards and even birth certificates: “M,” “F,” and “X.”


If the Olympics are now able to regonize more that 2 genders and complete on a global scale, than so should FitBit. Just like the Olympics, we do not expect you to get it right on the first try, but to start taking steps in the right direction.


@YojanaFitbit , I have read through the FAQ’s you suggestion. Here are my thoughts to take into consideration. I would suggest that you, or the other moderators @JonFitbit, @AnaFitbit , @AmyFitbit , @DelFitbit   read through them and see why making this change should be a priority.


1 How clearly the Feature Suggestion is written

  1. A) Please recognize gender diverse users by adding in a gender option where we are able to choose “other.” This may involve having both a “Gender” and a “Sex” question with a “M” “F” and “Other” option.
  2. B) Please use gender neutral language (e.g., like “people,” “persons”) if someone selects their gender as “other.”
  3. C) Please allow “Menstrual Health” to be an optional addition or subtraction for all users regardless of the “Gender” or “Sex” they select.

2 How many other community members agree!

This point should not apply to this suggestion because any community member who does agree does so at risk of being “outed” or receiving transphobia directed at them directly or indirectly… and no one wants transphobia to ruin their day or mood.


3 Scale of impact

In general, 1-4 % of people identify as intersex or gender diverse. In North America, about 42% of people directly know someone who is trans, or non-binary. This means when they see the “other” addition they will associate that change as FitBit being able to support their friend, sibling, college’s need… which could result in more gifts, recommendations and sales. The impact it would have on the other 50% or so of users is that they would be reminded that gender diverse people exist and have rights. This is a very important lesson to learn… especially in the over dozen countries where it is illegal to be trans*.


4 Scale of demand

Please refer to #2 and #3. You won’t know the demand until people have the ability to select that option.


5 How the Feature Suggestion might be distributed

It would go out with an upgrade. We have been waiting since 2018 for this change (4 years!), if you are luckily, we will be patient enough to wait for the next upgrade.


6 How much resource the Feature Suggestion will require to deliver

As a non-employee, I have no clue what size of team you will need. However, I do suggest that the team receives special training to understand the importance of their task and how to do it right. If you are concerned with the data, you should partner with larger Trans* Health organizations for support. Rainbow Health Ontario might be one place to start for both inclusive staff training and resources the team may need.


If you are worried about the “other” section messing up the data, don’t be. We “others” are already messing up your data through the limited options you give us. By including options that represent us more you are actually increasing your accuracy. As for the accuracy of the “other’s” when we look at our heart rates or suggested caloric diet… just make it a “Beta” feature with a warning that the data may be less accurate as you are not able to account for this time about hormones levels, etc., and that users should consult their doctors with any questions or concerns (etc.). Then increase the range of heart rate, caloric intake, etc to cover those of typical adults (in general) of certain ages/stages.


7 If the Feature Suggestion is for a specific product

No, it is for ALL products. (How grand… it impacts users of all devices!)


8 How the Feature Suggestion aligns with organizational priorities.

Well, by no acting on this change over the past 4 years kinds of suggests that FitBit’s philosophy aligns with the discrimination these lack of options have. I think that image would jump this issue to a priority.

But if we were to be looking at marketing, then you want to look at supporting future users. In many areas of the United States, up to 10% of youth identify as gender diverse. If you want their parents, grandparents, and the youth themselves to buy the product, then you better be able to serve their needs.

Stepping Up

Wow, I just read through four years worth of people asking for equal and accurate representation of gender identity and anatomy.


 @fowler_frog has laid it all out perfectly.


As a nonbinary individual, it hurt being forced to choose between male and female.

My identity has been tossed aside by Fitbit’s apparent lack of concern over the ever-increasing demand for inclusive options.

Anatomy-wise, I have an atypical hormonal balance that hovers around the “border” between the two binary sexes, which pretty much invalidates a big part of their “reasoning” behind only providing two options and renders them meaningless.


In the past, I had horrible dysphoria.

While I have managed to overcome the majority of it, I still feel extremely uncomfortable when people refer to me using my assigned-at-birth sex.

So I’m sure you could understand why I’d find it unpleasant to have the app constantly remind me of my “biological sex”.


So many people, both those who fall outside of the binary and those who care for them, have begged and demanded to be recognized and heard.

The blatant disregard Fitbit has towards the LGBT+ community is concerning.


There should be pronoun preferences at the very least. Very simple. It’s not that difficult.

“First Steps”, right?

First Steps

@whattaenigma yep! And no replies or anything at all from FB.


I'm sorry to hear that something you presumably purchased to help you on a health journey then made you feel unseen. Your assessment is 100% correct that your biology (and that of SO MANY OTHERS) proves that their binary fitness system is not only exclusionary in terms of language, but is effectively meaningless and based on very OLD science. 


Hey FitBit, it's Pride month, here's your chance to rainbow wash something and everyone will eat it up even if you don't mean it or actually care about your Genderqueer customers!  

First Steps

It’s frustrating as a binary person, too. I was AFAB and I’m guessing “female” is likely accurate for data purposes, but “male” is accurate as a descriptor. I either sacrifice accuracy in data or I just simply get misgendered constantly by the app. It fails binary trans people, non-binary people, intersex people, etc. 

First Steps

The lack of any action from fitbit around this is the main reason I decided to return mine. It does not support my health or wellbeing to get misgendered, it does the opposite. Do better, fitbit, but in the meantime, you've definitely lost my business. 

Stepping Up



I got it to help me conquer my mental health by improving my physical health, as I have been neglecting them both for way too long amidst my ongoing battle with various mental disorders. Being misgendered every time I want to check my progress is rather discouraging and makes me not want to look at certain stats.


Honestly, it feels like Fitbit is actively ignoring us.

Four years, and still nothing.

It’s ridiculous.

First Steps

The comments state that the post was reviewed by a moderator in 2018. It's been FOUR years and they haven't changed anything yet? I've been telling them every time I call Fitbit to have an option for sex and an option for gender, since they are clearly different things and not the same for everybody. Maybe Fitbit doesn't care! It's such a simple thing to change...

First Steps

It's the first time I've ever posted in this type of forum, but I've used fitbit on and off for some time now, it helped with accountability and motivation when I started my weightloss journey 7 years ago. It's been a couple years since I've used it, due to life, but I'm finally getting back to it, and I'm so disappointed. 


In the couple years since I last used it, I've come out as Non-Binary, and I now feel I can't take time to add people and use the sociable aspect. I don't want people seeing what I've had to put to get slightly accurate to me info. 


Don't really have much more to say than that. I hope to still find motivation. 

There should be a third “other” sex option for folks who are intersex or are trans and medically transitioning. The list of things this choice impacts also should be made public so users can make a more informed decision based on their own bodies.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @becknatale, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about defining gender in the profile section for more accurate data. I've moved it into a similar request. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Click on the thumbs-up to show your support.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

First Steps

Don’t make this a required field. Four years ago you were asked to Do Better. Not doing better yet!

Recovery Runner

I found a scholarly article on the issues of gender within FitBit and other trackers.

Here is a direct quote from the article "Inscribing Gender: A Duoethnographic Examination of Gendered: Examination of Gender Values and Practices in Fitness Tracker Design":

In addition to perpetuating a limiting binary classification, the interface then also reproduces a problematic, if common, slippage between sex and gender. In our journal entries on the unboxing process, we each made note of these gender constraints. “That it only has two options,” Author 1 noted, immediately “makes the device unfriendly to gender non-conforming users. It also doesn’t offer any options for trans users to indicate that aspect of their health experience.” (p. 2137)

It looks like the researchers agreed back in 2019 that something needed to be done about this issue. It makes me wonder how much research needs to happen and how many people need to write about the issue before FitBit creates the change we have requested.
First Steps

This isn't just a matter of respect. Fitbit is a health tracker and requires more detailed information than one's assigned gender at birth in order to give accurate assessments. Just including an "other" option would be a great start, but ideally it would outright ask for more information if you choose "other." This is where it would explicitly ask for one's dominant hormones (or even better the results of an actual blood test) in order to better determine exercise to energy rates, as well as ask for whether or not you have a menstrual cycle, since it's affected both by one's birth sex and one's hormones. Transgender men who still experience said cycle have no choice but to choose female if they want to have Fitbit track it.


At best it's only disrespectful. At worst it's outright misinformative, giving false or irrelevant information because it doesn't ask enough to get accurate results. And for a health service, misinformation can be dangerous by encouraging behavior that it doesn't realize isn't actually healthy for the person in question.


Im born and living as male, no problem, but fitbit is OWNED BY GOOGLE and there are only TWO OPTIONS STILL. fix this google!

First Steps

And now it’s 2023! Could you not just update the interface to let us leave “sex” unchecked if we wanted to? Maybe throw in a warning that the estimates will be less scientifically accurate without that info, if that’s your concern? I just want to monitor my activity over time and challenge myself to do more, you really don’t need “male” or “female” to do that for me. I get that there are internal calculations that hinge on that choice, and I’m not denying that on average, there are biological differences that you are factoring for when people choose one. That’s great! You can still leave everything the same for the majority of people, but just let the rest us opt out so we don’t have to have our days made worse every time we look at it. 


Non-binary people have been asking for you to fix this for FIVE YEARS at this point. Imagine how many trans/GNC/NB/etc. people over the past five years have been affected, however slightly, by Fitbit’s lack of interest in updating one thing about their app. Mental health matters too. This is shameful.


The Fitbit I’m setting up was given as a gift and I’m debating on whether to use it or gift it onward. I certainly won’t be buying one for myself or anyone else anytime soon. 

I totally agree! It is owned by Google now, so you would think they could let people opt out. I track my steps and sleep myself through the watch, it is none of the apps business, nor technical concern, what is between my legs. THANKS FOR SPEAKING UP
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