Delete Custom Activities from Most logged/recent

Fitbit makes it very easy to create custom activities, but it is impossible to manage them or delete them.  This can cause many headaches for Fitbit users when custom activities are created due to problems with the Fitbit activity database.  (See:


Custom activies can be deleted from your Favorites list, and entries of you doing a custom activity can be removed from your activity log, but they never get removed from the "Most Logged", "Recent", or activity search.  Since these activities are custom, let users modify them or delete them.  This will save time and frustration when using the activity search in the future.


Moderator edit: Labels

Stepping Up

The custom activities feature coulduse major improvements.  Here are some suggestions:

1. Allow us to enter our personal estimate of the  typical calories and distance per hour.  Then, when we use the activity, Fitbit can automatically prorate the data based on duration of the activity.  We wouldn't have to calculate it ourselves each time.

2. If feature 1 is implemented, also allow us to enter an intensity factor when the activity is acutally entered.  This would modify the 'typical' number so we could apply a factor taking into account interruptions/breaks or known variations in total intensity.

3. Allow us to set up activities like we would in a calendar, so we don't have to add them every time.  Then allow us to edit, if need be for duration or the intensity factor.


This would make custom activities much simpler to use.  The first suggestion should be really simple to add.  The others may not be, but would be of huge benefit.


For example, would set up a custom activity for line dance, which burns 300 calories per hour and covers a distance of 2 miles.

I would set it up weekly in my calendar for a 2 hour class.

Thus, it would be added to the log automatically and say I had burnt 600 calories.

If I find I end up not going to class, I would delete the entry for that one class.

If the class were longer than usual, I would change the duration to, say, 1.5 hours, and now the calories would be automatically adjusted for me.

If I found we were taking more breaks or doing more learning than dancing (and thus using less energy), I would apply a factor, such as .75.  Fitbit would prorate accordingly for just that one session.

Base Runner

We should be able to manage custom activities the same way we manage custom foods.  If you make a mistake entering it, there is no way to delete or edit them. 


I would also love it if the calories per minute (or per mile for cycling or running) so I don't have to calculate it separately.


Stepping Up
Exactly. That is a great way to say it.
Recovery Runner

Definitely would love to see editing and deleting of custom activities.  Hard to believe this option isn't already there. Please add it devs!

Recovery Runner


first of all I would like to see that I can re-use my custom activities and not having to enter it again each time I'm active.


Secondly, I want to do this in the app!


Recovery Runner

Could there also be any way of attributing a custom exercise to a broader group? For example I do a few different types of dancing. When I log ballet or zumba, which are standard exercise types the information is displayed in the app list with time, calories and average bpm. When I add a different type of custom dancing (tap or contemporary) it changes the stats displayed to distance, pace and average bpm, which would be useful for running type activities, but I would much rather see the same information as ballet or zumba for direct comparison.


Agreed with above about reusing custom activities instead of re-entering them every time, and being able to do so in the app.

Stepping Up

Currently, I have to re-enter a custom activity name in the Dashboard any time I am editing a recorded activity.  So when I have a "Walk" automatically recorded and want to change it to "Beach Dog Walk", I have to re-enter the custom activity title.  I now have multiple entries of "Beach Dog Walk" in my list of Activities, as if each was a separate activity title.


So, please make it so that Custom Activities will be found when I enter the title, so I can re-use them, instead of giving me "Oh no, we cannot find a match for your search" every time.


Meanwhile, please also allow me to edit automatically recorded activity titles on my android phone.  Currently, I can only do that on the Dashboard on my laptop - with all of the above fun.

Recovery Runner

This would be fantastic (and seems strange to me that it doesn't exist - as someone said, we can edit and delete custom foods, why not activities?). I have duplicates and errors in my activities list and it would be really nice to clean them up!

Not applicable

Same issue here.  Added activities with typos or (near) duplicates of factory set that need to be deleted and/or editable.   It is a basic feature to support CRUD in any database....


Ditto, just got a new Charge 2, and would like to manage my custom activities.

I want to delete old incorrect ones, and edit good ones to include calories / min in the setup. That way, when i select a custom activity in my ios app, or web form, I can just add the number of minutes for that activity.

First Steps

I also would like to delete an activity.  More so I'd love to be able to have my most used activity appear first vrs cycling the activities i have. 🙂 Thanks


Recovery Runner

So this topic has been open for two years, when will anyone get around to implementing it? I have also asked numeous times to have this feature realized, but it seems like we are all shouting into the void and no one is listening.....

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Awesome! I think that having this option can simplify the way you enter new and recent activities. And in case that you enter an activity by mistake you will safe some discontent having the option to delete it. Thanks for your participation!

Not applicable

See last comment by moderator

So are you going to set up the option to delete old custom activity entries you no longer wish to use ?

ps any idea what month this may be done ?

Base Runner

any hope on this?

First Steps

Couldn't a simple fix at least be that we could edit or customize the custom activity that a user puts in ?   That way at least as a short-term work-around we could at least label our own so it would differentiate between custom and FITBIT database ones.  Right now, I can't even correct misspelled entries.  😞


I completely agree with this.


I have an Alta HR and when I strength train, I have to manually log exercise after I finish. I understand that manually logged activities override the detected steps and calories, but I find myself having to enter the same data every time.


For example, I go to a strength training class, BodyPump, 2x a week. It is always at 6AM for 60 minutes and since I have to estimate my calories, I always input 400 calories. I have a 'custom activity' set up for BodyPump, but it only fills out the name of the activity. I then must fill out the same details for time, duration and calories every time.


Can you please modify custom activities to set/maintain default stats? 

First Steps

I am interested in this feature as well!!

First Steps

Another vote for some way to edit activity titles.  FitBit, I'm surprised that you have let this problem sit for several years.  That's not good customer service.

First Steps

Yes!! It’s so annoying to see activities that I haven’t done recently appear in my “Recent” list, while another activity that I’m logging 3x per week is not on that list, because it is full and I can’t delete any of them! I don’t want to have to manually search and type in the more-recent workout, I want it to be on the list. In other words, if you’re going to have a limit on the number of activities in the Recents list (such as the current limit of five), you need to have that list automatically refresh every time an workout/exercise/activity is logged, such that is always shows the last five workouts logged, in order of recency (i.e., reverse chronological order, from most recent to least recent).  

First Steps
I'd like to have the ability to clear the "recent" and "most used" activities lists. I'm surprised this is not a feature.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @jcpo57, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to delete custom activities from most used activity list. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.


FIX IT FITBIT! Terrible support. For years people have been complaining about not being able to delete custom activity "titles" that they no longer use but the titles continue to be listed under "recent" activities along with other activities that they never used. FIX IT FITBIT!  FIX IT FITBIT!  FIX IT FITBIT!

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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