Don't remove Challenges & Adventures

Do not remove Challenges & Adventures! A lot us use these features to motivate us and connect. My kids are able to connect and do challenges with their friends too.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject


I'm just chiming in here to add another voice- challenges and bingo with my fitbit friends and real life family is the biggest motivator for me to actually exercise. It is the only reason I have a fitbit versus any other watch. If fitbit is seriously getting rid of the competitive fun community I will be leaving fitbit entirely and getting another watch. You're going to lose a huge portion of your user base if you actually go through with this.

First Steps

Why is this decision being made? Challenges are the best feature of a Fitbit! Please reconsider this action

Stepping Up

Same here. The challenges, competing with friends and family, is the only reason I use Fitbit.

Stepping Up

This is extraordinarily frustrating. When I bought my Fitbit to replace my Microsoft Band 2 in February 2018, I had a friend invite me to his weekly Workweek Hustle. I've been participating with the same people in that Workweek Hustle for 5 years now. It's very motivating, and encourages me to take walks on days I might skip them, in order to improve my standings in the challenge. Why on earth is this being removed? Who, aside from people who probably don't even use the product, thinks this is a good idea? "In order to improve your experience, we're removing the thing you really like." Wow. That's spectacularly tone deaf. Please don't remove this feature. Clearly people enjoy it and use it often, so why remove it?

First Steps

This is just strange? Why would you do this? Every user I know will now quit using the fitbit. I will of course quit premium at once, and I'm really wondering how you are going to explain this decision. I have enjoyed the challenges, so I won't throw my fitbit away at once, but you need to come up with something really good very soon! 


The challenge feature is the only reason i still have a fitbit. Without challenges, it’s basically a pedometer and I won’t need my fitbit, too many alternatives. Spoiler alert: my next one won’t come from google either 🤷🏻‍:female_sign:


If challenges are gone, I'm out. I JUST upgraded to Premium because the challenges motivate me so much. Since I started those I have consistently gone above and beyond my step goal everyday. This is NOT a good idea Google. I'll be switching to an Apple Watch or Garmin, like many others, if you follow through with this plan. 


I am passing my feedback along to Google since they own Fitbit now, and I encourage you all to do the same

Stepping Up

Challenges is one of the few ways I connect with my family across the country, and with my in-laws. It is one of, if not the only thing that FitBit has that has kept me coming back to them. I rarely speak up about these types of things, but if the removal of challenges goes through I will definitely be dropping FitBit, and I wouldn't be surprised if my family did too. 


Same here. I've had various fitbits for more than a decade now, and the challenges are what motivate me. without them, there's no reason to stay with Fitbit anymore, and I'll be switching to garmin.

Stepping Up

The only reason I have purchased three fitbits is for the challenges with my friends.  It looks like Garmin may have challenges.  It makes me sad that my next smartwatch will not be a fitbit.  Bad move!


Very disappointed to see this morning’s email regarding the elimination of groups and challenges.  Both are a huge part of the experience and the most motivating reasons to use FitBit.

Please reconsider.

First Steps
Keep the challenges and trophies !!!!!!! Why on earth would Fitbit remove challenges !! I hope they actually read all of this and realise how annoyed everyone in the Fitbit community actually is !!!!

Recently purchased a new Fitbit. Had I known the challenges and badges going I would have bought an Apple Watch! 

First Steps

I hope you are listening to users and will keep the Challenges Feature.  I don't care about the Trophy feature, but Challenges are what have kept me with Fitbit all these years.
I will switch products when the time comes if this feature is removed.  Hope you're listening!

First Steps

Agreed!! Keep the Challenges! And maybe even add some more of the virtual walk challenges or customizable challenges (like most zone minutes during the week). Without the Challenges Fitbit isn’t as appealing to me. 

Keep Challenges and Adventures
Not applicable

Fitbit has many disappointed and pi#^ed off customers. Myself included. I hope they reconsider given the outcry. I rely heavily on the challenges with family, friends and those I have met on fitbit and don't even know!. It promotes healthy social fitness. I am utterly confused and saddened by this news. People are talking about Garmin.........I guess it will be time to research another product. 

Listen to the customers @Fitbit and @google.

First Steps

Keep the challenges and adventures.

These are the reason i come to fitbit and have stuck with fitbit as i have made fiends on here .

If the Challenges and adventures go so will i , other platforms have these facilites.


To make things worse i just bought a new fitbit last week, maybe i have time to return it.


Not happy


You are getting rid of Challenges and Adventures, this is the worst thing you could have done, why are you doing this to me.  Do I just have to walk all day and not be able to play with family and friends. And one last thing, Challenges and Adventures are what keeps my family together. I rarely see my aunt but with it it feels like she's right here


Challenges and Adventures are what keeps my family together. I rarely see my aunt but with it it feels like she's right here

First Steps

Keep challenges and adventures. Why would you cancel this feature? I will cancel my fitbit premium account if this happens. I use this daily with multiple groups. Sometimes I use the workouts,  but you can get those anywhere. Bad idea fitbit!


Such a BIG disappointment.  I have already cancelled my premium membership.  Challenges was the ONLY reason I had a premium membership.  BINGO was the BEST! Shame Fitbit SHAME!!!!!!!!!


Recovery Runner

You have to wonder what is prompting Google to do this? 
Lure us to a new platform?
More fees to continue enjoying Challenges? 

Something is definitely up - and it’s probably not going to be free. 

Stepping Up
They are the only reason that a majority of us use the Fitbit over another product.
First Steps

I can't believe what I'm reading. The ONLY reason I have renewed my fitbit and Continued to buy fitbits instead of swap to other watches is because of the challenges. If this stops I won't renew. I am currently able to be challenges with friends all over the world and also my daughter. It helps me continue to be fitter. If you have had a downturn in people doing challenges it's because you buried the challenges so they were harder to find and new customers didn't even know they were there. Please don't take the joy out if fitbit and make me buy an alternative:( 

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