Export RAW data

Hey Fitbit team,


I was able to download the "compacted" version of the data from your web interface. But I'm not interested in the compacted data.


I would like to have access to my RAW data and play in Matlab with the correlations between HR, sleep cycle, activity levels etc.


IF all my data belong to me then this should be possible.


How do I get access to all my RAW data?


Thank you!



Moderator edit: Labels

First Steps



I would like the option to export my complete FitBit Database for personal use. I have discovered that the IPhone App stores a local SQL Database on the users phone, so I am assuming that it is also stored by FitBit as an SQL Database as well. If I had the complete database available I could maintain and manuplate the data as I need too ie(Custom Reports, deleting data that is missing or incomplete).


This may not appeal to many people, but it does to me. There are days that I haven't worn my FitBit or only partial use but it still shows up when I log in to the phone or desktop app. I understand that I can request tech support delete my data, but I would rather do it myself.


On a side note if anyone else is interested I can explain how to find it in your IPhone Backups, just ask.






Moderator edit: Labels

Not applicable


That would be really cool.

Best in CSV-delimited format, so that i can do with the data what i would like to do.

For example:

- import into... ACCESS

- analyse deeper related to calories, food, weight, .. correlations


Or build nicer visual views from XLS.


Please do - it is my data and i would like to have them all!


Rgds, A.Wicher

Not applicable

I notice their month-by-month export function of what appears to be an incomplete dataset -- why even have month-to-month limitations on what are just csv values?! Let me download everything!

Recovery Runner

Yep, Fitbit export option is a joke... completely useless, no details, no HR, no info about sleep phases ... come on guys make something serious

Recovery Runner

Under the new GDPR law (EU) - Data portability will be compulsory in 2018, if FitBit want to stay in business in Europe

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

This is a great idea! I think it can help a lot of users to get more details about themselves on the Dashboard. Please spread the word so it can get more votes!

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks for sharing your idea with us @Germanni


Let's see what other users have to say about it.

First Steps

As a data junky, I too would love to have access to more data.

I specifically have been looking for the nutritional information amounts (carbohydrate, protein, etc). This data is available on the computer based version, and I have been manually copying it to augment the data currently exported, but its such a time consuming activity (especially when I know its only a few simple changes away).


More data would allow me to make more accurate decisions and see trends clearly. For example, I used logged data over the course of a month to realized that my target daily calories was 430 cal too high in order to meet my weight loss target rate. After finding this, now I can use the activity measured and this new offset to reach my goal, all due to having data!


Fitbit is great, I really enjoy using the features your hardware and software provide!!!

Premium User
First Steps

I also would like to see the "raw" data.  I have several health issues which I am trying to track and I can see some of the details when I log in but they are not part of the download capability.  I am specifically interested in the breakdown of sleep and heart rate data.  The sleep graph on the computer or the app shows the various blocks of time when different modes were in effect but only summary data is available for export.  I would want the detailed information so that I can do statistical analysis on such things as length of first sleep period compared to subsequent periods, average length of a single sleep period in a total sleep cycle, etc.  I would also like similar data for the heart tracker as the graphs show the data is there, just not accessible by me.  I would also like the option to download more than 30 days of data at one time as there is historical information that I have found that I want that goes back quite some time.

First Steps

I know we're able to export data from FitBit into a csv file, but this comes as aggregated data and is pretty much useless.


I want to be able to access my data (most of it manually added by me) at the most granular level possible. In other words, please make all my data available to me in a csv file.


For example, I want to be able to download all my food consumption broken by all the food that I logged and with all the nutrition info for every single day. Another example would be all the exercises broken by type, duration, calories, steps, distance, etc and by day as well.


Again, I want to be able to access all my data, I don't want Fitbit to aggregate the way someone on their product team thinks it's best.


Kinda like Facebook allowing us to access all of our data, you guys should also allow it. At the end of the day it's a win-win for everyone: I get more insights and continue to use Fitbit products more often and for a longer period of time.





Moderator Edition: Format

Tempo Runner

this has been suggested numerous times over many years and is ignored by fitbit.


having a new post on the same topic spreads the votes for the same idea across several threads and might lose the overall vote impact? Not that they take any notice anyway.


I actually suspect what should be easy to implement is maybe difficult because of bad database design in that they are maybe archiving/deleing the detailed data to keep the database trim for operational reasons - quite a bit of the dashboard appears to run off summarised data.


I totally agree with your suggestion however, and it will be the reason I won't buy a fitbit again.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

First Steps

Hi @AlexandraFitbit, I posted this here at the suggestion of one of your customer service reps, but I don't think this should be dependent on what the community members think. Isn't this my data and don't have I the right to access it?




First Steps

@AlexandraFitbit FYI, since I haven't heard back from you, I'm escalating this request through your customer support.

First Steps

Agree with all of the above, as the data recorded by fitbit is owned by the user we have the right to access it in its raw format as oppose to the aggregated download currently available.


I will also be escalating this to customer support as GDPR gives users the right to access their data, which it appears you are currently withholding.


@AlexandraFitbit @LanuzaFitbit

First Steps

I teach biomechanics at a university level and would like to use the data in teaching; potentially have students collect and analyze data on themselves. Is this possible? I'd really like to access as "raw" data as possible. 


First Steps

I have Parkinson's disease.

I recently purchased a FitBit Charge 3 to help track my exercise and sleep, two critical care items with Parkinson's. One of my primary intents was to export data from my FitBit into a personal data base where I can combine and track other data, both quantified and expressive, as related to my battle with this disease.

While I am very please with the performance of the Charge 3 and the data displayed on the dashboard, I am extremely disappointed with the ability to export data. It is both tedious to use and lean in content. Many of the categories I was hoping to pull down are not included in the export. (For example, exercise types and intensity thereof, calories eaten, weight, hydration, and all of those other items.) The various data streams delivered are poorly labeled and explained. (For example: what is the difference between Activity Calories, Activity Calories Cons, and the various other versions of Calories listed?

I expected better.

Any suggestions?


It's entirely possible the data is summarized and scrubbed as soon as possible.


But, if they wanted it to the app could log the raw data streams on the phone. 


Then, we would have the rawest of the raw data. Yay!


Don't hold your breath!


First Steps

Fitbit wants to compete as a health platform like Apple Healt and Google, fit but it should not keep the user generated data and refuse to give it back. This is one of the reasons I am not upgrading to next generation fitbit devices as it doesn't play nice with my other ecosystem. Such a shame that I love my Aria and multiple fitbits that bought over the period of few years. Not anymore until I get granular data make accessible. 

First Steps

I would also like the raw/hourly data for heart-rate and step count. I'm a data science student and I'd like to be able to do detailed analytics on my health data

I want the real raw data straight off all the sensors.
I want to see the data changes over the course of an exercise session.
I want all the data heart rate, oxygen, accelerometer, altitude.
The paired cell phone should log all the data streams, adding the GPS data
captured by the cell phone.

Like I said: "Don't hold your breath!"

The only way I will get will be if the EU enforces the GDPR, and Fitbit
decides they don't want to maintain two versions of the app.
Or, if the US adopts its own GDPR

Drew Einhorn

On American Politics

“If this were my country,” Odile said, wrinkling her nose, “I would not be

“No?” Hollis asked.

“I would drink all the time. Take pill. Anything.”
--- William Gibson, Spook Country, 2007.
Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

This information is currently available for export in the complete Account Archive export which is in JSON format (see our help article here).


If you would like this information presented differently, or in a different format, please vote on:

First Steps

I would like full access to all of the raw data that I am collecting about myself with my Charge 2.

Thank you.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @okoski, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to export RAW data on the Fitbit app. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Released". You can learn more about it here. I hope to see you around.

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