Fitbit Pay Available in Brazil

Please make Fitbit Pay available for Brazilian banks. NFC feature currently cannot be used in Brazil.


Hi @YojanaFitbit @GraceFitbit 

Could you please explain for us why we don't have the NFC support in Brazil yet? If you consider the number of votes of this post to start to work on it.... Unfortunately I don't have any hope to use it here one day...


Thanks for your effort!!! 😞

Not applicable

It’s hard to see a Brazilian bank (Itaú) available in Chile while we ask for this service here. 

First Steps

Sugeda, I've just talked with the support and unfortunately they still don't have any prediction on when it will be available... as well as the SpO2 faceclock feature... very disappointing


I compared the size of the brazilian population X Chile population as well. They are 10% our size and the bank from OUR country (ITAU) is available there! It's very very very frustrating it ins't available here. I'm a fitbit member since 2016 and in 2017 I bought the IONIC just after the launching in NY already knowing the wallet wouldn't be available immediately but hoping it would happen soon. So... I'm waiting since november 2017!! 

First Steps

STILL there are no Fitbit Pay in Brasil. I had give up to buy a new device from this brand. 

First Steps

Hi there!!!


Yet (2021) NO Brazilian banks accepted by Fitbit Pay. Why don't you partner with at least digital banks (modern banks) like Nubank and Inter as your initial base?

First Steps

July 2021 and we still don´t have Fitbit pay in Brazil! What a shame! Next year I´ll update my smartwatch and maybe I´ll need to consider another brand that take Brazilian market more seriously. 

First Steps

Realmente, Novembro de 2021 e a função ainda não está disponível no Brasil.

Pensei que, com a compra da FitBit pela Google, nós brasileiros receberíamos mais atenção. Mas vejo que não é o caso.

Infelizmente, isso faz com que muitos usuários migrem para outras marcas de smartwatches.


It`s unbelievable some features of Fitbit watch do not work in brazil. I CAN'T use the ECG, I CAN'T use the fitbit Pay... A huge bucks invested for almost nothing? That's so bad. Thank you fit bit. My first and last.

First Steps

i cant belive that i bought the new fitbit sense and i cant make payments with my new watch because brazil isnt in the list....

Now we need to complain to Google.... Google bought FitBit last year.
Lets hope for the best

Hi there,

@YojanaFitbit , @GraceFitbit . Can you guys give us some feedback about this huge problem? please!

Thank you.




@YojanaFitbit , @GraceFitbit  . Can you guys give us some feedback about this huge problem? please!

Thank you.

First Steps

I was looking for a fitness tracker and the premium standard and features of Fitbit bands really caught my eye. Unfortunately I can't pay a premium price for a product that i) doesn't have official representatives in Brazil, ii) ECG feature isn't available, iii) Fitbit pay neither...


Everyone knows Brazil is going through some rough times but the potential of its market can't be neglected. This post is 2+ years old and nothing has changed...


Exactly @PAtreides . No moderators read our posts. We are really neglected. The main features of Fitbit dont work in Brazil. I didt know that when I bought mine.

First Steps

I give up! Since 2019 waiting for you guys enable the wallet in Brazil. (2022 Now).

I am trowing my versa onto the old gadgets drawer to never use it anymore. Sad to see an excellent gadget being neglected like this.

Buying an Apple Watch instead...bye guys...we could have had better moments toghether if you did not neglected the biggest market in Latin America... and we speak portuguese by the way!

Recovery Runner

Yes! Please make it available on Brazil! NFC payments have a very good acceptance here!!

we need this!!!!


I'm still waiting for Fitbit pay being available in Brazil. This post has almost 3 years, what a shame!

Recovery Runner

have a Wise transfer card which is accepted in over 20 countries worldwide by FitBit.
I'm trying to register it on fitbit and it's not possible.
It's a shame that I have this card and because I'm in Brazil and the card was issued in Brazil it doesn't work



I'm a FitBit user for more than 10 years. And now I Purchased a Charge 5 and many features are blocked for Brazil users. You should at least add Google Pay. They can handdle any international Credit Card.
Very disapointed.



Moderators, please help us! Fitbit PAY does not work in Brazil. Its time to make something to fix it.


Recovery Runner

Fitbit staff, please, make the NFC/pay availiable in BR. Please, make it happen.

Still Waiting!!

Recovery Runner

Fitbit chances now the Fitbit Payt for Google Wallet, But this still doesn't work in BRAZIL!!!!!


Such a shame it doesn't work in Brazil yet, just like the SpO2 and ECG.

First Steps

Still waiting. Fitbit could fill a market niche that no other brand did with Charge bands. Many of us don't mind about fully featured apps in the wrist, but only wants a band that can track exercises, sleep, heart and pay.

Plus the bands are more compact, modern in design and it's battery endures more than any WearOS/iOS smartwatch. This is only offered by Fitbit, but in Brazil it lacks the NFC payment feature. I bet millions of users would adopt Charge bands if it was available in Brazil.

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