Fitbit SDK needs custom vibration patterns

The fitbit SDK only has 6 vibration patterns and there really isn't much difference between them.  it would be incredibly useful to the developer to be able to define a new vibration pattern which is only used by that one watch face or application.  For example, a watch face which monitors blood glucose values for diabetes patents, should have a unique, recognizable, vibration pattern for "low glucose" and a different one for "high glucose".  This would help those patents to notice that unique pattern among all of the other notification vibs!


The Pebble SDK had this capability.  It was really simple and yet very effective.  Quoting from the pebble.h include file:



 A pattern consists of at least 1 vibe-on duration, optionally followed by
 alternating vibe-off + vibe-on durations. Each segment may have a different


So, for example:


 // Vibe pattern: ON for 200ms, OFF for 100ms, ON for 400ms:
static const uint32_t const segments[] = { 200, 100, 400 };


1 Comment
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Fitbit Developer
Fitbit Developer

Thanks for the feedback, I've already got this logged internally, but I'd be interested to see how popular this request is. Get voting!

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