Fitbit Transit: British Columbia Translink, Canada

This feature suggestion is based on community requests for compatibility with local transit.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator
First Steps

Agree, Agree, Agree. It is very useful to tap your fitbit for an access to the Skytrain & Buses. Please, add translink compatible feature.


Agree! However I would also include virtual Compass Card support primarily for frequent riders, passholders, and Concession riders (BC Bus Pass, U-Pass, Monthly Pass, Day Pass, Discounted Stored Value, etc.) if it's not part of your feature suggestion yet. I hope for the virtual card emulation, if MIFARE 2GO is used, it must emulate the DESFire protocol at the maximum data transfer rate of the Compass NFC terminal (Cubic Tri-Reader 3 supports 424 kbps maximum on Type A only).

First Steps

Please add the compass card on it! It is not the same as paying with visa, it is a significant savings!

Recovery Runner
I have no idea what you're even talking about because I haven't made any
payments with anything except for probably paying for my subscription but
that's not done until August so I have plenty of time to change my pay-wise
but still if that's what you're talking about well too soon to be talking
about it

Thank You For Your Time

Rachel Hernandez
First Steps


Any update here? BC Translink Compass cards are advertised on Fitbit's website but you can't actually add it on the Versa 2. 

First Steps

Is there any updates?

First Steps

When I called them over 2 years ago, they said it takes two weeks for it to ‘show up and begin working’… I’m still waiting.

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