Food Database for Australia

Now that Fitbit is being sold (and is loved) in Australia, I'd love to see a Food Database for Australian users.  I don't use the Food diary at the moment, because it takes far too much time trying to adapt the American database to match what I am eating.


Would this be possible in the future?Cat Happy


Moderator Edit: Updated label

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PLEASE can we get an Australian food database . It is impossible to accurately calculate daily food consumption using the current food databases. To be fair to Aussies, why should we have to look at using another app. I'd prefer to maximise Fitbit tools.  

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please, please, please include an Australian database!

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Was given a Fitbit for Chritmas and would love to use it to full potential but need a food list for Australia, the USA version is no use to us in Australia. Time to up grade options or would have looked at another product. 

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Would also be handy to have a Calorie to Kilojoule conversion option as well for us southerners.

Please please please can we have an Australian food database. Makes it very hard to use the fitbit in full when the database is not correct
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Australian please! But also fresh food, not restaurant or brand names as the American database is. Totally useless.

PLEASE can we have an Australian food base - like everyone else I have to use Calorie King for my food database and am spending more time on the computer than exercising!!!!!

I thought that is what Fitbit is for - to help us lose weight - not spend more time on a computer.

I just tried to input tomato and it didn't recognise that - don't Americans eat FRESH vegetables or fruit - everything seems to be packaged/takeaway.

If I had known this was not compatible I would not have bought the product and will not recommend it to anyone who asks in Australia.

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Just another user asking for an Australian Food Database please


Yes please. Completely agree. Fresh food and Australian brands please? Otherwise we are just taking a stab in the dark...

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The fitbit is a good idea,  but not much point if the app you use in conjunction with it, is not designed for your Country.

Might be a good idea to include anything and everything needed for the Australian market. Otherwise, let us use the fitbit with another app compatible with ipod/iphones and Samsung and android. ( previously, I had been using the Samsung S Health app on my phone, and I loved it, but I can't carry a phone with me at all times) 

Premium User
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Absolutely The calories in and out feature is pretty useless without this. Fitbit could surely buy or license an existing Australian database? There are plenty of calorie count books in OZ that list thousands of foods.What about it Fitbit thanks

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How about upload the Lite 'N Easy food database that is available as pdf downloads (maybe can give you a file to upload):


This would be an awesome addition!!!!!!!!


Waiting eagerly for the ChargeHR ... any idea on when it'll be available?




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I agree, recently got the fitbit and the only I don't like is the fact it doesn't recognise australian food, green juice etc or any exec rises I do in the gym. Please fix this because I think this is going to become an issue in other countires

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Completely agree with previous posts. We desperately need an Australian database of foods and the ability to scan Australian food items. I assume this is a low priority because we are a small market but we also have one of the fastest adoptions of new technologies and devices in the world so consider us a test for larger markets. 

Not applicable
Maybe the dingo ate your baby
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I have just started using Fitbit & think its great but Im very disappointed there is no Australian food data base. Are we going to get one ?

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I agree 100%. Need an Aust food database done! It is very annoying when trying to use the fitbit to motivate to loose weight and its hard to log food!

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Yes please!  I desperately need an Australian Food database. There are good ones around, but I want to use my Fitbit for everything. 


As the Charge HR is now in Australia, is an Australian Food database going to be released? I have been using a Force for the last year and I know a database was going to be released shortly after the Australian Force release. Since this didn't happen I have had to manually enter everything in. I'm looking at getting a Charge HR but would like a database with it!

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Very disappointed that the Australian Foods are not on this site due to it being enquired about 2 years ago. Feel a little disappointed that i just bought a new fitbit (after losing my last one some time ago) to update my profile and still no Australian food guides. Almost a waste of money if we cant use fitbit to its full intention......


Hi, all.


I know that Fitbit doesn't have an Aussie food database, but what you can do is use MyFitnessPal, it does, and hook up your Fitbit to it.


Fitbit is one of the best on the market, so we will need to adapt to fit our own needs.


I believe Weightwatchers has an app that has Aust food list and in metric

@StarryG wrote:

Now that Fitbit is being sold (and is loved) in Australia, I'd love to see a Food Database for Australian users.  I don't use the Food diary at the moment, because it takes far too much time trying to adapt the American database to match what I am eating.


Would this be possible in the future?Cat Happy



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Hey team i was so dissapointed witht he food entry, its basically unsable 


try looing at these guys and the database they maintain


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It would be fabulous if there was an Australian food database. If you could link to calorie king Australia that would be great.
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