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Food Tracker - Custom Foods with Macronutrients

I propose modifying the existing Frequent and Recent Foods function so that I can add foods to a "Custom Food" or "Custom Meal" option knowing that it is properly calculating the nutritional information from all parts of the meal down to the carbs, sodium, sugar etc.


This could help with Meal Prepping or people who frequently eat 1-3 things daily not have to manually enter each individual piece of food. It also improves the app's functionality without making a complete overhaul. Use what you have, just improve the user experience.


Example: I eat a chicken wrap for lunch and need to scan the tortilla, enter tomato, lettuce, and cheese. That's fine for the first time, but the second and third time could go faster if I can pull these entries from my frequently used or even my calendar log from a previous day to create a custom food that I can reference going forward. Help reduce scans and make the food logging experience a little easier.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Existing Feature
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

@Sh34k4 Thanks for your suggestion.


Currently you can create custom foods and meals to avoid entering the ingredients more than once. For more information, please visit this article.

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