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GPS Data availability of an activity indicated in the activity listing screen

In the activity listing screen,  all activities are listed.

Activity with GPS data should have an icon. Ideally I would expect icon denoting no GPS data, partial and complete with different Icons.

This would also come in handy in knowing what with be synced with integrations such as Strava


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

Status changed to: Existing Feature
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks for sharing your suggestion @Abhishek-P.


Currently, the activities recorded with GPS will show a map of the route traveled.

If the activity doesn't show a map it wasn't registered with GPS.



Activities from Strava are synced over to Fitbit as manually logged activities but will not include GPS or heart rate data from Strava. For more information about what information is transferred between Fitbit and third party apps, please check out this post.


Thanks for providing activities which have or don't have GPS data at all


The part about partial GPS data still stands. I have an activity of 2hrs for the last 10mins of it for some reason Fitbit didn't have connected GPS. Not sure if it was tracked to phone or phone to GPS that was unconnected.


There is no indication that for some part of the activity doesn't have GPS data.


Either way. Thanks for the quick reply.

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