Game app with rpg like proggression or tamagotchi


I currently have an ionic and I would really love to see a game app that is similar to the FitRPG game that was discontinued some years ago. Steps could be converted to experience points to level up the character and daily challenges such as reaching a certain number of steps/active minutes or completing an aerobic workout within the app earns you gold to buy new equipment etc. 

Also a virtual pet type game similar to the original 1997 tamagotchi would be great. Daily steps could get converted to gold which you then use to buy food etc. to raise your pet which evolves into different creatures depending on how active you are or something like that. 

I love gamified fitness apps and they are great for motivation!


Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. I think a lot of users would like to have an app with those characteristics. It would help motivate us all.


Please check the following app that is similar to what you are describing:


  • Treasure Trek

Also, check these clock faces which are similar to the pet idea:


  • My Cat Inca
  • My Cat Luna
  • My Dog Timmy
  • My Dog Titan

We look forward to hearing what other community members think.

Recovery Runner

Thanks for the reply, i have tried the app and clock faces you mentioned and i think they are brilliant. They are in part the reason i thought about the game ideas, more interaction within that type of app would be excellent. 


Fingers crossed that other community members share my views. 


Thanks and keep up the good work!

First Steps

I would like to see app enhanced where more you exercise not just steps you can earn treats or tricks or pet accessories, decorate dog house, toys, otherwise app gets very bored by 

First Steps

Bunnies are becoming more and more popular as free roam pets like dogs and cats. You should create a bunny clock face, please. That would be awesome for all us bunny parents out here 😊🐰 



You can try Fitness RPG




And Wokamon for tamagotchi like game



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