Improve HRV measurements accuracy

Please double check the HRV measurements:
For many users the rates of HRV are very low and somehow scary. Please check this thread


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Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Coolfood, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about improving HRV measurements accuracy with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

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Stepping Up

My HRV levels have really scared me, are they accurate? Range between 12 and 20!  Everything else is good. 

First Steps

Well, I am glad to see this post as I also got scared with my HRV numbers and what the numbers mean. (The numbers in 20s and 30s)

How could we validate the accuracy of the numbers? 

I suppose my numbers could be correct but would be good to know or confirm so that I dont freak out 🙂

Is there a way to check the general numbers of other users and see if they are in the correct range.



Recovery Runner

As others have already commented, my HRV results shocked me.  I consider myself to be a very fit 69-year-old female.  A healthy HRV for this age should be about 59.  Mine (according to Fitbit) was 13!!  So, I decided to check into it, and here I am.  Yes, I would be interested in this feedback from Fitbit.  I have found the Fitbit info on sleep to be very informative and reassuring.  Many nights I will think I haven't slept well, only to see by the recorded data that I did in fact sleep.  I also always use the steps function to be sure I am getting in my 10,000 per day.  So, please, do what you can to make this work.  I'm on board.  Anything I can do to keep myself healthy is a plus.  I love technology, but only that technology that works!!  Thanks.  


I bought my Fitbit for sleep tracking after looking at comparisons of this type of device against lab equipment. Generally Fitbit did well but over estimated wake time which was typical of all devices tested. I was surprised by the HRV score which is generally between 14 and 16. So I checked using a Wahoo Tickr chest strap and EliteHRV app which typically shows a reading of 65 to 68.

If Fitbit are going to show data like HRV, HR, SPo2 etc. it needs to be within +-5% otherwise all it's going to do is stress users if they take the data literally.

First Steps
Thank you for that information.
Very helpful and reassuring. Yes the numbers could be scary if you look up
what they mean.
I wish Fitbit would comment on this.

First Steps

My charge 4 shown 24ms after few nights of usage.

I don't think this is accurate with my current condition.

First Steps

My HRV score ranges from 11ms to 20ms. I am very healthy and active and confirmed with my doctor that the Fitbit is grossly inaccurate. Once my 6th month trial is over, I will not continue with premium as the data is so wrong from steps to calories, this is a poor product.



I'm a healthy 30 year old, I run religiously. My RHR is rarely above 60, usually 55-58.

My HRV (when it gets calculated tho) is usually between 18-30ms, which I usually ignore because it is obviously not accurate. 


My Fitbit score is also between 11 and 20. I know this is incorrect as I am a fairly active person. Let me know how this can be corrected. Thank you 


My HRV levels really scare me, are they accurate? Range between 12 and 20!  Am I dead?


Forgot to say in above comment that I am on a Charge 5 Fitbit and paying the premium. And for me at least it's not just the HRV that is way out, it's also the steps (20% to 50% less steps reported by Fitbit as opposed to Google's Fit which runs simultaneously). The sleep info is a bit whacko especially if I'm awake for more than 60 minutes at night. I fluctuate with a sleep score of between 60 and 89.  The ECG data is a joke because it won't report data if I register above 125 bpm.  Now I've been getting A-FIB notifications and readings, and I don't know whether to believe the data or not?  I certainly FEEL like I'm having an A-FIB event, I try to use the ECG to get instant result instead of waiting until the next day for the A-Fib notification - I could be dead by then. But as I said the ECG doesn't work if I'm above 125 bpm. The charts on my phone were basically obliterated by the last bit update. Maybe it's my eyes, but I can no longer read the charts -- the Restoration chart within the Sleep program, for example, has a meaningless, undefined horizontal line, but at least I see the tiny color change to indicate above/below. Whatever became of the A-FIB charts which were a great visual of what was going on with my heart? I can no longer find those charts. Sigh. I feel I just can't trust Fitbit anymore and it breaks my heart because it used to be helpful. Bottom line is that by Christmas I will toss the Fitbit Charge 5 unless Fitbit corrects its problems. I'm tired of Fitbit's telling me I'm most likely dead.   🤔

Recovery Runner

Since last Saturday (7 days ago), Fitbit has showed an HRV score of 0, and has used that to calculate my Readiness level.  Just how does one have HRV of 0, and still live?  The resulting Readiness score for 5 days was "1".


For the past 2 months, I have been wearing both my 2.5-year-old Versa 2 and my new Apple Watch 7 to compare results.  I was very fond of Fitbit Premium, and considered getting a Charge 5.  This failure to show a valid HRV score and then to compound the failure by calculating an absurd Readiness level is giving me the kick in the caboose to leave Fitbit and Fitbit Premium behind.  In these boards I have not found any indication that Fitbit intends to fix this problem.  Adios!

Base Runner

I just want to chime in to agree that it’s not just inaccurate, it’s distressing. Fitbit published norms for RMSSD in Lancet, and by that chart I am 2 standard deviations below the norm for my age and sex. I reliably have gotten HRV readings down in the 10 to 20 range for the 5 months that I’ve worn the Inspire2 device. This is imminent heart failure range, an awful message to send people — unless you think it’s accurate, in which case you should be alerting people to consult a cardiologist, like you do for a-fib. Either fix the metric, adjust the norms to actual data from your devices, or drop it entirely, because all it is is demoralizing and frightening. 

First Steps

@LizzyFitbit Are there any updates on improvements to the HRV accuracy? 

First Steps

Please improve the HRV feature.  I am a healthy 42 year old - healthy BMI, workout 4-5 days per week, resting HR in the 60s.  Just recently had an EKG and echocardiogram and everything was normal. However, my HRV is in the 20s!  I was very worried and found this thread.  Please improve the HRV feature or remove the feature.  Why have the feature if it's grossly inaccurate?  It's making people worry for no reason!  

Recovery Runner

Why does Fitbit include a feature that is impossible to measure accurately on a watch nor appropriate for a long term at sleep methodology. Once I saw the very low number in the app, I read up on the topic. I got a Polar HR10 Band and got measurements that were 2.5x larger and were as expected for my age. I am beginning to question the value and accuracy of the sleep analysis as well.

Between this, the removal of Music Controls (Bluetooth) and the Spotify app from the Sense 2, this long term customer may never purchase another Fitbit or Google watch. I go way back to the original Fitbit devices, Zip, must be around 20 years. I am so disappointed in my Sense 2.

First Steps

I’m a 24 year old female, and got my Fitbit a couple of weeks ago. I work out about 3 times a week and go walking. My HRV has varied between 29 to 47 despite having a RHR of 60 to 65 and being otherwise healthy. After some research, I found that wrist measurements can never be accurate for HRV as it’s such a sensitive reading, so why are you advertising this feature?? Heart health is incredibly important and it’s really anxiety inducing to think you may have have an issue. I don’t understand how this can be okay to do to your customers. 

First Steps

My hrv is 18 which is a bit scary! Please Fitbit, do something about rectifying this information as I’m sure it’s causing distress to a lot of users. 

First Steps

My HRV has been constantly 8-9 since I put on my Inspire 3. Freaking me out for a while, but after reading it's so inaccurate, not so concerned.

First Steps

Hi - I have a Versa 5.  My HRV varies between 9 and 31.  Not good.  However, Fitbit also tells me my cardio fitness is on the 97th percentile for my age.  It has also told me I've been asleep at the theatre for a whole hour!  Its measurements should definitely not be taken too seriously!

First Steps

Any update on this from FitBit? I find it incredibly useless to advertise this feature when it is not reliable at all and seemingly cannot be reliable in the form of a watch. My HRV on your Luxe is between 9 to 26. On other devices it is 50 to 60. 

First Steps

Can also confirm the Fitbit HRV is friendly inaccurate. My Fitbit HRV five-month average is 15. I just checked with my Polar H10 and my HRV was 56. This start needs to be accurate or not reported. And if it's corrected and kept, there needs to be an alert for especially low readings. My reading is 15 is "within my normal range" so I had no idea it was something to be concerned about until my sister mentioned specific numbers to me. YIKES, Fitbit!!

First Steps

Please please tell me the HRV readings on my Inspire 3 are incorrect. I’ve had some heart issues in the past so seeing my normal range being about 11 and always under 20 is makes me anxious and I’m pretty fit otherwise!  It should not be take into account on the ‘readiness’ if it’s this inaccurate. Come on Fitbit get your finger out and do something about it! 

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