Include guided programs from Fitbit Coach in the Premium offering

I have been a very happy customer with Fitbit Coach for years and was sad to hear that you decided to close the app.
Having transitioned to Premium I can now see that the guided training programs are no longer available. I suggest to bring them back ASAP as they work extremely well and should be relatively easy to implement.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @cefirothanks for taking the time to share your suggestion about the possibility of adding the Fitbit Coach features to Fitbit Premium, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here, as this helps to keep the forums for organized and readable for all members. 


Thank you again for your participation in the Community. 

Recovery Runner

The problem I have is that the Coach app on the my Ionic is missing, and there is no alternative to use the guided programmes on the tracker itself without the aid of a phone or computer.


If I want to use just the tracker itself I'm limited to just the basic exercises like running, workout ect or third party options. If you're going to remove Coach for instead Fitbit premium, then surely the Fitbit Premium workouts should arrive on our wrists just as the Coach workouts had before, as opposed to be limited to just our phones and computers?

Not applicable

Being a 50 + year old man I am much more comfortable with typing on the computer as opposed to my phone.  I would really like to see my communications with a coach be through the browser as well as the phone.  I can't do it on the phone.


Earlier this year, I had started thinking about ditching my Fitbit watch.  I found it hard to 'discover' much in the Premium workouts, with the fairly substandard functionality for an app.  I kept wondering why there had been a Fitbit movement.   And THEN I discovered the separate Coach app.  I couldn't believe I had not realised I had access to this since I bought my Versa 3 since 2019!  It was fantastic.  I loved the music and it was so motivating.  So imagine how disappointed I was to see that this was going to be cancelled.  Such a huge shame - I sincerely hope that at least some feedback is being listened to, to improve the way to find workouts.  Take a look at Fiton for a far better user experience.  

First Steps

I agree that premium should restore the functionality that Fitbit coach provided including:

- new workouts created each day

- ability to see preview of workout moves

- ability to skip instructions (instead of only being able to jump in 15s intervals which doesn’t always align with timing)

I am a long time Fitbit user, but I think it may be time to change devices if this isn’t rectified.


I had to cancel my premium subscription after the loss of guided exercises. I used to use Coach regularly and loved the results I was seeing. Without Coach I have become unfit again and trying other guided programs to get back in shape. Unfortunately none of them are as good as Coach. I really wish you'd consider bringing that feature back.

First Steps

Adding to this old thread. I wish all of the Fitbit Coach videos were easily accessible. They were simple to follow at the gym with minimal talking, a nice counter, and quick exercise previews. I was happy with the Coach app and had high hopes for Premium. 

I'm going to add my voice to the chorus. I want this functionality back. It was unique in the market as far as I can tell. I cancelled my subscription when the daily, algorithm selected workouts went away because that is why I got a subscription in the first place. I have since subscribed to Seven and would happily return to Fitbit if the functionality returns.

Pace Setter

Just bumping this suggestion waiting for a moderator reply if it's being considered or ditched for good.


Any progress here by Fitbit?

Base Runner

I was initially attracted to Fitbit for the Fitstart program. When Fitbit degraded the program to the Fitbit Coach, I didn't like it, but I dealt with it. Once they degraded the Firbit Coach program into basically a collection of YouTube videos and called it "Premium" they kind of lost me ... although I do love their interface for logging steps, food & water. The battery on my Charge 5 has recently given up the ghost and it's time for me to decide what to do next. Have you heard whether Fitbit will be returning with an interactive program like Fitstar or Fitbit Coach? If Fitbit isn't going to give me what attracted me to them any longer, I'm thinking this dead battery will be the impetus I needed to switch to Garmin or Apple. Are you aware of ANYONE that is offering interactive workouts like Fitbit used to have for us?

First Steps

Can't believe audio guided runs are not a thing on Fitbit. It's not that big a deal technically to do. Just spend the money and get it done! 

NRC have had it forever and that was the main reason I didn't come to Fitbit. The pixel watch enticed me, but still disappointed this had not been fixed.



Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

Recovery Runner


I am so disappointed in Fitbit Premium. 

During lockdown a program called Fitbit Coach was introduced separate to Premium. It included guided workouts that you gave feedback to so they would adapt to your strength. I only used the free version at that stage but did the 'Get moving' program once a week.

Shortly after I decided I wanted to pay for Coach Fitbit removed it. 

I purchased a Premium subscription instead and have had this for two years. 

It did include guided programs, but without the feedback that adapted them to my physical condition they were pretty useless. Plus they ended up so  buggy that they wouldn't even run on my phone. 

I did contact support about this but they were unable to resolve it, said it would be escalated but I never received any more communication. 

At this point I cancelled the auto subscription renewal and have barely used premium since. 

If the programs with integrated feedback and adjustments were reintroduced I would sign back up in a heartbeat. 


Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @snorus, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about bringing back the Coach guided programs to the Premium workouts on the Fitbit app with us. I noticed this product feedback was already requested on this board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

To comment, you must first accept the terms of the Idea and Feedback Submission policy.