Increase Font Size on Charge 4 for different stats

I'd love to be able to change the clock face on Charge 4 when I run.  Right now, the pace is the largest number and I don't care about that.  I'm 62 and the fact that I'm still running is great!  I run by time and I'd love to make that the largest number on the clock face.  Then maybe add my heart rate.  Just a thought.


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity

Base Runner
I assume your post was meant to suggest we should just get glasses. As I
said in my post, when all you need is reading glasses, wearing them when
out walking, running or cycling is not only a nuisance but somewhat
hazardous as they don’t allow for distance vision. Having to spend upwards
of $500 for progressive lenses in order to read my Fitbit doesn’t make
sense when all it would take is for some programmer to develop/tweak a new
watch face. --
Roy van Eerden
Not applicable

I've just purchased the Charge 4 and can not read the screen (other than the clock)  if i don't have my reading glasses on which is most of the time.
i came here to find out if the text size can be changed and can see many comments regarding the same problem.

Has it been fixed?


If not, can i return my fitbit? it's as good as useless to me

No it’s not been fixed and never will be. Fitbit doesn’t care and will just want you to buy ‘Charge 5’ when it comes out with a bigger font.
I won’t be buying a Fitbit again.
Not applicable
Not good.
I'm really not happy about it
I'm going to see if I can return it.

Imagine the scene.
A room of young google geeks in a darkened room staring at their screens.
Reading glasses - they are for old gits.
Sunlight - who cares.
Customers - what are they?
We are at the bleeding edge of technology!

We’ve waited two years now for a sensible set of screens, it’s not going to happen.
Base Runner
I’d return it if you can. Maybe they will get the message to do something
about this. My next smart watch won’t be a Fitbit--
Roy van Eerden
Me neither dude. Horrible customer service.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps
Please make the numbers larger for steps and exercise. I can no longer read my Fitbit without my glasses, and I would rather know how many minutes of exercise I've done or the number of steps I've walked than what time it is.

Same here.  Love that the time is bigger but I want steps bigger too


Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @WalkSy, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about increasing font size on Charge 4 stats. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.

Base Runner
This has been part of the comments for at least a year. What good is a
thank you for suggesting it. What is Fitbit going to do about it?--
Roy van Eerden
I even created the new watch faces for them. Made it pretty easy.
First Steps

Definitely need the ability to increase the font size, i cant read any stats or texts without my glasses and this is no good whilst i am running

Base Runner

It would be nice. I think this suggestion has been deemed unworthy of action.

I’ve been waiting two years for this obvious and much needed improvement on a very poor design.

Sent from my iPad
First Steps
I think I understand why Fitbit does not respond!
The guy in charge of the community from FitBit ...have sight problems and
can not read the small fonts on the website 🙂

Recovery Runner

I have used various activity bands for the last 7-8 years, but without a doubt Fitbit is still one of the worst companies when it comes to updates and responses to customers.


A greedy company that wants to sell products but then takes no responsibility for opinions from customers.

I agree 100%. Will NEVER buy another or recommend them to anyone ever.

My band broke and they would not honor an upgrade. I offered to pay the difference and they would not do it. Why would I want to replace a Fitbit I CAN’T SEE??!!

Sent from my iPhone
Recovery Runner

Hello Fitbit, any news about font size 🤔

Not applicable

I had to change my clock face to be able to JUST ABOUT see my stats without reading glasses, if I hold it the right length away and squint a bit.  Come on, Fitbit.  what is the hold-up?  Just increase the font size, please.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

To comment, you must first accept the terms of the Idea and Feedback Submission policy.