Indicate License Type (Paid/Free) Clock faces prices

Please change the title text of items to indicate whether an item's license is free or paid, so that this information is visible at the top most list view, and not buried in the detailed description.


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity and labels.

Tempo Runner

It should bei visible as soon as possible that you have to pay for an app or a watch face.


By now you only find in an app's/watch face's description whether it's a trail version and you have to pay for it for permanent use.


It should be visible as soon as possible that an app or watch face is for free or fee-based so you can avoid open an app's/watch face's description if you're only looking for free ones.

Not applicable

That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Nice suggestion, thanks for sharing. This would be very useful to organize the Fitbit App Gallery better with categories. We look forward to hearing what other community members think.


I agree. Not only apps, but also clocks too.

5K Racer

Even better, Fitbit should implement its own monetization system without forcing developers to do workaround. In addition of course Fitbit could make money out of it (like Google, Apple)

Tempo Runner

I agree with @Giampi71 and Fitbit should integrate with in-app purchases so we don't need to share our credit card with third party sites.

Fitbit could take cut, but it should be 10~20% or less:

Developer - 50~60%

Google/Apple - 30%

Fitbit - 10~20%

First Steps

It would be great if you or the developers have to indicate if a clock face  is free or not before you have to read through the whole description. 


PS. Some of the prices are questionable. (For what you get)

Not applicable

I am a developer, and don't get what this is about. We have lives too, and we have to pay for services, that make the clockfaces things that you actually want to use. Which comes with a price to pay.


@SunsetRunner I am a developer too. I don't think anyone has a problem with developers getting paid for their hard work (clock faces or apps) but I think people want better indication of what's free vs paid in the Fitbit App Gallery. Call out paid vs free. Sort by Free or Paid. Just better clarity and I agree with that idea. Assuming we do a good job developing clock faces and/or apps that could even drive traffic to our work since it should be viewed as a better product if its a paid clock/app.


Looks like they are calling out paid clock faces in the description now. Nice!


Now we just need some kind of icon ('$' maybe) in the search results and overall list as well so we don't have to tap in to a clock face to see if its a paid one or not.



Not applicable

I have seen a large drop in free trials since this launched.

Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @jasnxl and commenters. I'm happy to let you know that we now have a banner on the individual app or clock face page (where you can see more information about them and select them if you wish). Thanks @mtstaffa for flagging that addition and also for suggesting that you want clearer indications of paid apps/clock faces from the gallery page itself. That is a great idea and I suggest that we start a new suggestion specifically for that idea as this one has technically been fulfilled as per the original parameters. I hope to see that new idea soon! Our Gallery team was happy to read your comments and feedback, so thanks for the discussion.


Recovery Runner

 Cross posting this feature suggestion since it seems related/relevant

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks @OldWindways that's a great cross post. I have put that on our development team's radar.

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