Prior to purchasing my Charge 3, I called Fitbit sales and asked if this was a feature of this watch, and I was assured that it was. Turns out, it's not. And I'd like to add that there was no confusion on the part of the sales person I spoke with - he assured me that he knew exactly what I was talking about. Here's the problem with the watch. When I'm in the Weights app, I'm unable to pause the program to set an interval timer; you have to completely exit the program to set the timer. When I called today to complain, the fitbit representative told me that with the other exercise apps, you are able to pause the program and initiate a timer. The problem, as she explained to me, is that the exercise programs have to be running for a minimum of 15 minutes or so before this ability kicks in. Obviously, when you're weight lifting, you can easily complete 15 reps in as little as 30 seconds, so you need to have the ability to pause the program & set a timer from the start. This is a gross oversight, and I hope a resolution will be included in the next update or sooner. My regular smartwatch has this ability, but my Charge 3, which is an actual fitness watch, doesn't? That's pretty ridiculous.
Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label
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