Lock Touchscreen to Clockface

I'm finding over the course of the day and while sleeping my Surge's touchscreen becomes switched from the watch face to one of the other screens. It would be very helpful if there was an ability to hold down one of the physical buttons to lock the touchscreen on the watch face and repeat to unlock. This would prevent accidental navigation away from the watch face. Please consider adding this functionality in a future firmware update. Thank you.


Moderator Edit: 

The latest Surge firmware update added a function which reverts Surge to its clock screen after 15 seconds. Some users would prefer to continuously view another data tile, such as Steps, Heart Rate, or Distance. This is no longer possible for more than 15 seconds outside of starting an Exercise log.


This existing Feature Request represents a good solution to the issue, and I encourage anyone who might be interested in this new feature to vote or comment in this thread.

First Steps

Jumping in to note I am also a user that has problems with a workout pausing/ending on me.  I do kickboxing and during punching the last 3 days, my glove/wrist has paused and ended my workout session.  Very frustrating

Tempo Runner

I think this is related, but in the Northeast states winter running requires long sleeves. When running, my jacket sleeve often pauses and then stops the running app. This week it was worse; I started feeling lots of vibration on my wrist. When I rolled up my sleeve (it was freezing rain out) I found the running app had shut down and ionic had fired up the fitstar personal trainer series of exercises. Dunno how that happened.


I've tried wearing ionic on the outside of my jacket but without heartbeat sensing I lost much of my data.

As we're into training season for Boston Marathon a solution to this would be appreciated... perhaps a double-tap to pause the exercise apps?


Ok, so I solved my problem with a flexing wrist during yoga pressing the pause button.  I simply got one of those thin rubber cases for the Ionic and this recesses the buttons enough that no more accidental presses.  Since I tend to wear my Ionic always, the case is good to keep the metal frame from being scratched.

First Steps
Thank you so much for the tip!!! I had a chance to try it and it did help! I noticed a couple time it still ended up getting paused, but overall it worked. Thank you again for your help!!

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Please fix this. This happends every time at gym, running, skiing. And it always ruins the hole workout... And I think this should be easy to fix

First Steps

This is crazy I agree with other feedback, keeps pausing during rides and weight sessions! I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone the Charge 2 HR I had was better!!

First Steps

Please, implement Screen Lock during exercise. Current functionality is really annoying, I keep losing (second part of) my exercises.

This should be so easy to do, a triple tap or simultaneous press of two buttons are good candidates for a quick unlock...

Thanks, best regards, Aleš

First Steps

Please implement a lock to prevent accidental button presses during workouts. I've just lost 2 thirds of my workout data as I didn't know my gloves had knock the pause button! 



I have the same problem, exercises pause and often stopped. I'm unclear if that is as a result of the button being pressed or as its cold here at the moment my sleeve activating the screen. Today my 8 mile cross country run was lost as it self cancelled after 1 mile, by the time I noticed it was way too late.


I like my ionic, but at the moment it has way too many bugs and so far I haven't been impressed by Fitbits engagement with the community to try and fix the issues. 


I will give the cover a try as you suggest on the basis that its a small extra investment, but for the record if I was back in the market right now for a replacement it wouldn't be another Fitbit product.

Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

@tdemay Hello, I hope you're doing well! I moved your post ot the Feature Suggestions Board to keep the Community organized and for users to be able to vote for your idea. 


To all commenters, please feel free to add your vote in support to this idea. @n6nfg@b0rker @GigiSings @RatedE @KrisKuhn @bmw54 @rollingpebbles


Thank you all! See you around! 


 tdemays solution below would work for me. It would be very hard to accidentally press 2 buttons on either side of the watch at the same time. If you implement this I hope you reward him with some goodies Smiley Happy



  • Locking could be automatic when an exercise is started. Automatic locking can be disabled in settings for those that do not like the feature.
  • Locking could be manual. Pressing left and right buttons together can be used to lock

And to unlock:

  • Press the same series of buttons to unlock.



Tempo Runner

I think my problem has been caused by my sleeve rubbing against and activating the screen whilst I'm out running. This has been pausing and stopping the exercise.

the solution might be very simple: before I start the Run app I set Screen Wake (from auto) to manual. I've also started doing this before sleeping at night.

Update: I had thought that setting the Screen Wake from auto to manual might stop the ionic from interrupting the run function when covered by long sleeves. 

That did not work. Even on the manual setting, strange things happen to ionic functioning when the long sleeves of winter rub up against it. Too bad they didn't test this before release.



This feature is not just useful for the Ionic, but essential. The Ionic is advertised as a waterproof tracker, which means I can jump in a shower wearing with no problems after a workout, trouble is the water hitting the touchscreen activates it and causes it to change settings or start workouts and do all kinds of other crazy stuff. This could have been solved with a simple way to lock the touchscreen, (by holding down the left and right button for 2 seconds perhaps).


Kind of annoying that this suggestion was marked as under consideration in 2015 and three years later has not been implemented, even on a brand new hardware release (which is designed to get wet). Just doesn't look great. 


Why does fit bit have this forum when the obviously don't read it.  They are good at collecting money but dont care about their products.  Hopefully a competitor will figure it out and we can all move on.

Not once has Fitbit reached out with any support.

The ONLY time they responded was to remove my post cause the didn’t like the tone or to remind me it is in “consideration” mode.......for 3 years.

I don’t get why they don’t bother sharing my trick I found for kickboxing gloves.....turn the watch backwards on your left wrist to avoid the killed workout.

I am soooooooo disappointed in this company and their product.

Sent from my iPhone

I have to admit I am very disappointed with the company. I saved a lot of money and put a lot of faith in the Ionic, choosing Fitbit over Apple and other competitors. The experience would be a 100x better if there was more interaction between Fitbit and the consumer.


I was really excited to purchase the Ionic and I want to love Fitbit and really commit to helping the company and the products improve and compete in the future. Unfortunately I just don’t feel the same passion and commitment from the developers themselves. 

How is the battery indicator on the Ionic - any better than the surge? Am
thinking of upgrading but considering another brand as Firbit don't seem to
want to improve their products despite an incredible amount of feedback
from customers.
Recovery Runner
Surge owners should be able to lock HR readout without 15-second revert to clock.

Fitbit moderator: do your job here and tell us if this firmware enhancement will he done. If it won't be, then tell us why not.

Get Outlook for Android
Recovery Runner

Dear Fitbit Moderator:


Do us all the favor of telling us why Fitbit cannot create a frmware update giving Surge owners the option of locking in the HR screen idefinitely (more than 15 seconds).


Hundreds, if not thousands of users want to leave their Surges in HR mode, yet no Moderator has been forthcoming enough to tell us why this can't be done. Initial firmware in 2015 allowed us to do that, but that option was removed in subsequent firmware updates. 


Come on, Moderator, don't be lazy. Give us a real answer. 


If this option will never be restored how do we get our money back for our Surge purchase?


This has been here for years. Does it have to be a moderator? I'll tell you. It. Won't. Be. Done.


a) They have a reason to change and it isn't "my kid touches it" it's the battery life. Heart rate updates every second, clock updates every 60. It also takes more power and you also see the watch lose the lock. It loses the lock A LOT, this is why the regular log is every 5 minutes and the workout is every minute or so. It was designed to lock once a minute at best and I'm not sure it won't stretch the truth and keep reporting the last BPM until a timeout occurs. It was never meant to keep the lock while you punch a bag. It wasn't meant to be worn loose.


b) Surge hasn't been updated in years because it's old. Fitbit doesn't deal in customer fidelity, they deal in shiny. Apple site, Apple charger, Apple watch wannabe. Their goal is not to become the Nokia of trackers but the Apple. Shiny, new, disposable, expensive. Read their lips: Get the new one. Hopefully not a Surge. Either get the Ionic or the Charge 2, depending on whether or not you want to spend $200 on color screen.


c) The amount of support Fitbit has to spare goes into replacements, appeasing the people upset with Fitbit's appalling sync and trying to build and maintain a community they give very little to. They don't have the time or the resources to make people happy, they have just enough to keep people from being angry. This is why companies have communities. If this "idea" weren't here, who knows where you might go and leave a bad review.


Or maybe there is a reason other than "buy a new one" that they don't show all heart rate screens in-app for the Surge but they do for the Charge 2. Charge 2 is superior to the Surge by age only. Yet only by getting a new one do you get the RHR analysis screen. Also, the sleep screen is different I think.


Personally, I have given in and got the Ionic. No regrets so far, it is far, far superior to the Surge. No it doesn't lock. Yes you can have your heart rate on screen. Yes you can keep the screen on (it won't last 24 hours).


Try showering with the ionic and you’ll see why it needs a lock... 


The intent isn't for the screen to lock on, however to lock from changing
or pausing the current mode. If I am tracking a workout, I don't want to
look at my watch at the end, only to realize that I paused or cleared the
tracking sometime during the exercise. Once I have started the workout
tracker I should be able to press and hold a button(s) to lock the watch so
that it doesn't acknowledge any further input until it is unlocked in the
same fashion.

The ionic is even worse with this same problem. The screen is more
sensitive and responds to water hitting it.

The fact that you think Fitbits are shiny Apple wannabees is amusing. Half
of Fitbits product line is plain fixed bands, available in 2 colors. At
least Apple products have replaceable, interchangeable bands. As well as
shiney, pretty faces.

Moderator Edit: Personal info removed


I completely agree with the above comments on the locking function. Pressing and holding two buttons would be ideal.


I notice that holding the left button and upper right together appears to have no function- surely that could be easily programmed to initiate a lock feature?  

Community Legend

The feature to stay on the screen that was visible when the screen timed out was added at the assistance of an extremely popular feature suggestion. As soon as this suggestion was implemented This Thread was then created.

First Steps

It's coming unto 3 years since this was first suggested. What an absolute joke.

Can't see myself buying any of their future products if they won't look after their existing customers.

Perhaps we all need to post #fitbitdignorecustomers and tag @Fitbit & @fitbitsupport on social media (Twitter/Facebook/Instagram) and include the link to this thread: https://tinyurl.com/y8h7w8vg

Perhaps then, and only then, will they finally listen to us.


In the words of GOT - "Shame! Shame! Shame!"

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