Make Heart Rate Data export in Excel/CSV format

Please add the heart rate data to the reports that can be downloaded/exported.  The ones for the activity and sleep are perfect but since I have a pacemaker I really need to have one to print out for my cardiologist showing how often I rise above the set pace.

Thank you


Mod edit: Title

Recovery Runner

What other trackers do you have?  In addition to the Fitbit Charge HR, I bought the Garmin VivoSmart HR and the Polar A360.  Both of them can export a .TCX file (Training Center XML).  Excel can import it directly as an XML file but it takes a little work and the result isn't that great.


The latest version of ParseHeartRate can parse those TCX files in addition to the several options for getting the Fitbit data.  The format for the Excel files produced is similar so superimposing the trackers data is theoretically possible.  This is my goal too but so far I've just been collecting data and haven't tried combining the data from the other two trackers.  I need to do it soon because I'm getting tired of wearing three trackers and starting activities every morning so they'll record at the highest sampling rate.  The Polar only records during an activity.  The frequency of recording for the Garmin is useless unless you start an activity too.  And even the Fitbit records more frequently if you press the button to start an activity.


Email me at to request a free beta copy of ParseHeartRate2016.  I will send you a link to the download. Note that it is a Windows application only, not an Apple or Android app.


First Steps

I am echoing the amny users that request ability to download HR rates.  Like may folks I would grealy benefit from seeing changes in my HR.  i ge thta it is not a medcial device but the information would be a wonderful tool.  Perhaps Fitbit could require a waiver releasing them from harm in order to get these reports. 

Fitbit say the data is ours and seem to have requests going back for years
to export the data.

I consider their marketing bait and switch and very unethical. They do not
deliver. If the data is mine give it to me.

I don't have a problem downloading another app to my laptop for a
non-medical heart rate.

The only reason I purchased a blaze was for heart rate only. So a $200
device is now useless.

Even the graphs they show are piss poor and have major scaling bugs in them.

If I can see them I have no idea why their programmers have not seen them.

Derek Jenkins

Pissed of purchaser of Blaze
Base Runner

For anyone interested, since this doesn't seem to be coming from Fitbit themselves any time soon, I have implemented a solution to this problem, that's accessible for any Fitbit user, free of charge:




Recovery Runner
That is fantastic! Thank you so much

@SquashPlayer tried your website downlaod tool but stuck in message "oops something went wrong ..." after allowing fitbit on authorisation page, dd Fitbit all of sudden block this request becuase they are hidiing again thier HR data form users?Probaby they are so afraid somebody discover their HR algoryhm bogus calcualtion that the do everything to let the data not leacked out ....

Recovery Runner

@TobiasF @SquashPlayer  I just went back and tried the heart rate download after TobiasF comment and was successful.

First Steps

@SquashPlayer Brilliant job fella

Base Runner

@TobiasF - as you can see by posts after yours, the download functionality is still working. Make sure when you use the application (by allowing fitbit to authorise) that you don't restrict the data accessible  in any way as some profile data is required in order to personalise the page when the data is displayed. Please try again and if you still have a problem, message me and maybe I can help by analysing what's going wrong.


@SquashPlayer, hello, tried again and it works not! Seems the MS Edge browser doesn't work but with Google Chrome it's functional and works pefect, thank you very much for this!

Stepping Up
Agree this is valuable and should be a priority enhancement.
Stepping Up
Agree. Implement this enhancement ASAP!!!!

Being able to use Rock My Run would be amazing...I can't believe this is a TWO YEAR ISSUE and counting!!!!


@SquashPlayer  Brilliant.  Thank you.  I use MS Edge and it works.   I had an error message once, refreshed the page and it worked the second time.  (Don't know why you need access to my friends etc, but as I don't have any it's not a problem!) 


For others, Barry's solution involves a simple sign-up to his website, accepting that Fitbit can share some data with him, and then is very easy to download the data as csv (easily convert to Excel) and you get a heart rate every one to three seconds on exercise mode.


I use it to align sessions I've done on the exercise bike, compare the heart rate profile, and see how the recovery period has changed over time.  A bit embarrassing for Fitbit that they don't offer the functionality directly.  I suppose that as these forums aren't checked by people before they buy and we've already bought the device we don't really have much of a voice.  What we really need is some people with an active Twitter account to moan a bit!


But as Barry's solution is so good, I'm a happy man.  Thank you again.



Stepping Up

@SquashPlayer Thanks, Barry, this is great. A shame that FitBit couldn't figure out how to do this! 

Would like to be able to download resting heart rate & other features related to heart rate.
Not applicable

+1 Heart

First Steps

Since the data of heart rate are stored in a database in the same technique as other values that are exportable, there is no considerable reason, why those values should not be exportable also. The implementation cannot be very complex but really easy...

So: Please realize that feature - if your development team ignores this simple quest with more than 300 comments and 500 votes, than your complete feature community board is senseless and can be closed!

Base Runner
Please add this ability!!!
First Steps
I don't think this will ever happen....have you seen the number of requests.....

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
Base Runner
Sad, very sad
First Steps



not sure if this is the right place to say this, but I noticed, while looking at HR data on the iphone the graphs are not correct, the yy' axes does not show the right values.

Could you please take a look at that?


Thank you,



Seems this has a lot of votes and you have been talking about it for 2 years...


When can we expect this feature ?

First Steps

The heart rate readings are not available to be exported yet.  Summary data is not helpful. Users want the raw data that is underlying the graph displayed on the fitbit dashboard.


Currently, the only way to use the graphs is by taking a screen shot of each day.  Users need to be able to export the raw data and graph the data within Excel to get the maximum fitness benefit.


The current user interface for selecting data would function perfectly.  The resolution should be sec by sec, just as the data are collected from the fitbit devices.

First Steps

I would like a feature where you can download a heart rate for every 5 minutes like FitBit already records as an Excel spread Sheet.  I would also like to add a feature to download sleep data for a given night minute by minute of time awake, time restless, and time asleep as an excel spreadsheet.  The reason I want this is because I just had a seizure not too long ago and my FitBit recorded my heart rate as an activity and would like to show my doctor.  I want the sleep data so that I can physically look at my sleep pattern to see if I am typically waking up at a certain time or am I only asleep for a certain amount of time before I wake up again.  Of course include a line in the data and something you must check or OKAY before downloading the data saying that FitBit is not a medical device and therefor it's data should be treated accordingly, that way FitBit can avoid lawsuites by malicious people.  I love my fitbit so far and think the customer service is great so far!  I just wish they would add those 2 features.  

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