Make Heart Rate Data export in Excel/CSV format

Please add the heart rate data to the reports that can be downloaded/exported.  The ones for the activity and sleep are perfect but since I have a pacemaker I really need to have one to print out for my cardiologist showing how often I rise above the set pace.

Thank you


Mod edit: Title

First Steps
I’m guessing they’re following Apple’s lead and holding back until future generations of the products. Pretty crappy this is something the customers want and they just won’t do it.


The annoyance of this is that it has been discussed for years and essentially ignored. The company seems to have simply focused on developing new devices and not sorted out this aspect of their software. It is not difficult to incorporate this, and that makes this issue even more annoying and disappointing.

It is not quite 'shameful' for the company to have taken this attitude towards what their customer want, but it is getting pretty close to it ... especially when you consider the need and in some cases, serious need.

To say 'it is being considered' is simply not good enough, and if there is a feeling that they will keep this functionality for a later device, that would be ... shameful.

I fear that the only way that they will learn, is to lose customers. There will be new customers of course, but it is unwise for companies to ignore its existing customer base, in the hope that 'new' customers will keep them buoyant.


There may be a reason that Fitbit has elected to not provide this data.  It has nothing to do with it being technically difficult or just indifference to the requests of their customers.  I see quite a number of people making various comments along the lines of:


"I have ___ medical condition ... I would like to be have the data so I can monitor my condition ... I need this data to share with my doctor so they can monitor/diagnose/modify my treatment"


Fitbit may have the position that use of the data from their device in this way goes beyond the design intent and validity of the data.  This gets into the distinction of their products being fitness devices and not a medical grade device.  When I first got my initial Charge HR I did some back-to-back trials of it versus a Polar heart rate monitor which uses a chest strap.  While the Charge would track the Polar monitor well during steady exertion when walking or running on a treadmill, it has more of a response delay when I would force rapid changes in exertion.  There are also many types of activities, like rowing or even when I ride a bicycle that the Charge HR (now my Charge2) flat out does not track well due to frequent wrist motion or forearm flexing.  Given these types of measurement inaccuracies, Fitbit may be genuinely concerned about the product liability on their part if they were to enable uses to access the extent of data being requested due to how some appear to what to use it.


If someone in one of these situations genuinely needs continuous heart rate monitoring, then they probably need to be looking at a medical device, and not a fitness device.  I know many of you may not be wanting to use the data in that way, but given some do, it is impossible for Fitbit to segregate and only make the data available for those that would use it for general fitness information purposes versus those who may use the data beyond its limits.


I would agree that if Fitbit has decided for these type of reasons, they probably could do better in communicating some of their intent for what type of data sharing they will provide.


Just my opinion.  You may or may not agree, which is your right.

First Steps

Not sure if FitBit ever checks these posts but i hope they are aware they have until May to make this data available for european customers at least.


New EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") will come into force in May 2018 and it also states that all provided data should be downloadable by the user. This means "like its stored in the database" and not the minute by minute averaged (processed) version. 


Can fitbit comfirm they will be complient with this new regulation? there are significant fines attached to not being complient from EU, and i'm sure as hell going to shed some light on this if its not resolved before this comes in effect. Its rediculous (as mentioned above by others) that this is not already there.

First Steps
In my opinion, liability is a weak position in this case. Afterall manufacturers sell blow dryers, they simple advise customers not to use them in the shower.

I have a heart problem and recently got my fitbit charge 2 and am finding it invaluable for checking my heart rate checking.  Would be great it if I could do a print out to take to the doctors.!

This request has been around for a long time does anyone remember a response
from Fitbit?

Glad to hear that there are others out there who would like to get access i.e. Download more detailed data. I am very surprised at the rudimentary download functionality and content. Must be improved. 

First Steps

I would like the detailed heart rate information from my fitbit.  What I get today is just the summary data.





First Steps

I too would very much like to export my heart rate data.

Recovery Runner

I would also benefit from a heart rate export function as I use my Fitbit Charge 2 to monitor my heart rate for medical reasons.  It would be fantastic to be able to display a full daily record instead of a summary record to my heart clinic personnel.  Please can we have this export in xls or csv format.



Still looking...

Yes Please !!!!! Do send all data that you can to me asap as I have an
appointment on Wednesday with the doctor and it would be a great help to
have all the info .

Thank you very much.

Yes please send me any data that you can.

Thank you
Thank you so much

Heart Rate Data Download - Much Needed for Research!! - Our agency is collaborating to evaluate how Sleep, Heartrate, and Exercise impact mental health outcomes across multiple populations. If Fit bit were to enable this capability in its export function, we'd be able to conduct far more impactful research at a fraction of the time and cost. Please keep me posted if this will become part of the fitbit export feature.



First Steps

Hi all, I believe I have not seen any detailed response from Fitbit on these requests. Many of you seem to be seeking Heart Rate information for health issues such as my AFib. Over the past months I have been using an AliveCor Kardia monitor which gives a graphed 30 second EKG chart output to a mobile APP that can be on emailed. On checking these Kardia EKG HR charts with professional medical EKG machine outputs they are aligned, however when checking a number of these 30 sec Kardia EKG HR outputs to the Fitbit HR daily graph there is a considerable inaccuracy with the Fitbit HR figures for a short time period. Example Kardia HR shows rate over 3 mins of 90 to 140 beats per minute, while Fitbit only indicates 70 bpm. I am no longer convinced of the Fitbit HR accuracy especially when applied to health issues.    



First Steps
The difference between the AliveCor Kardia device and the Fitbit devices is that the AliveCor devices are FDA approved as medical devices whereas Fitbit and nearly all other heart rate trackers are for educational, motivational and training purposes but are not medical devices. The AliveCor Kardia devices pick up an electrical signal directly (much like an ECG in a medical office) whereas the LED heart rate devices including pulse oximeters such as from iHeart infer heart rate from subtle changes visible on the skin from blood pulses. Both types of devices have their place but any device like the Fitbit devices that can move slightly relative to the skin will lose accuracy when you have a lot of arm movement. I still use and enjoy the Fitbit because it is so easy to wear unlike pulse oximeters and the AliveCor devices where you need to give dedicated time to get a reading. Because the LED wearables like the Fitbit heart rate devices can be worn 24/7 it would be nice to have easy export functions for tracking changes in heart rate even though the accuracy can be compromised.

I'm wondering why no one responds to this need from FitBit?  Here's some specific questions for tech team or management to answer:


1. Why cant fitbit export heartbeat data, eg. to an spreadsheet?

a. technical issue?

b. competitive issue?

c. embarassing issue, eg its not that accurate?

d. ?

2. Why is all data exportable except heartbeat?

3. If plans to do so, when?

4. If no plans, tell us so we can look elsewhere for a solution.


Mike Kelly


Recovery Runner

Hi Mike,

   I have found the information I get from using my Fitbit 2 has been excellent so far, except for the inability to extract the heart rate data per day.

I needed my data for a heart clinic review last Thursday and had to rely on to send me an extract. Try them if you need your data now. I must say they did an excellent job and my reviewer was very impressed with the printout.  

I just wish Fitbit would get on and sort this out.





We have been asking this question for a long long time.

We just get a blown off. The data is available but they wont do anything.

They sell the FitBit based on the data it collects and tell you it is yours
but wont give it to you.

Give up. FitBit will do nothing for you but lip service. I think the common
response is it is being investigated.

My FitBit is in a draw and never used.

What a waste of money.

Recovery Runner

Apple and Samsung are selling watches with the idea of calling people when someone has a seizure.

I am trying to get HR data from Fitbit to promote this idea.  Someone help me.


I want to download the detailed HR data because it can help me manage my POTS. It is hard to explain what it's like when all of a sudden the tachycardia happens. Sometimes I question if it is just in my head and I certainly can't know how bad it is really when it is happening, until I got the Fitbit. I understand that the Fitbit isn't a medical device, but the fact is there isn't one that normal people can get that monitors your heart rate consistently.  It's the closest thing we have. 

If what is causing the delay is fundamentally a liability issue, then I think most of us would gladly be willing to sign something stating we get there can be errors and it is not 100% accurate all the time. You can't fix what you can't measure. That applies to improving workouts and most certainly applies to healing our bodies. Please make it available. 


This hasn't been updated for over a year so don't think we should expect any action this lifetime.  There is a link to guy who has developed a tool to download the very raw data so if you have some Excel or Database skills you might find this useful.

My particular interest (had double bypass 4 years ago) is time spent in the fat burning and cardio levels and the resting Heart rate which sometimes doesn't seem to line up with the data.

My experience with these things over many years in IT is that 90% of client requests are ignored because they aren't flashy enough so offer no great marketing opportunities.


First Steps

Hi, I managed with help of some friends to download my data. Contact me and I will check whether I can be of help to you too:

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