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Some people actually like and want the sleep score (nobody on this forum however, including me) and overall would be helpful to many people if sleep score was "OPTIONAL" like the title of this thread states. But, if they don't make it optional, by at least putting it on the default view now, finally, it should be enough at least for people to be able to move on and stop endlessly complaining. So what if we have to see the sleep score next to the averages? It's okay enough just as it is if this is all we get. And for sure better than yesterday's sleep default view.
Many of us struggle daily with insomnia or the dreaded waking up and not being able to fall back asleep. So when that alarm rings and we're frayed, it is quite frustrating to have some random quality "score" given, as if you could have achieved a better score, if only you tried!
When you've taken that hot bath, drank the warm milk for trytophan, added valerian and a time released melatonin, turned off all your electronics, and hunkered down in a quiet, darkened room ... yet still cannot achieve your most craved for SLEEP, it is ridiculous and adds salt to our wounds to then have some quality score sleep assessment. This isn't the Olympics and none of us signed up for some unprofessional evaluation.
I sincerely doubt anyone wants or even likes the sleep score. The best case that I would call a reasonable assertion is that there are people who don't mind it.
Did the iPhone app get an improvement on this but Android app didn't? I still see sleep score first and always prominent on the list of nights of the week. It's really distressing. My sleep goal is related to hours slept, bed time, and wake up time, so it would make MUCH more sense to give me those stats first and prominently, not the idiotic and defeatist sleep score.
20001..., I do hear you. I also struggle with sleep and wake up every night in middle of night for 1-2 hours. No exceptions for two years. I also use a sleep mask, ear plugs, curtains drawn, fans/AC on and enjoy melatonin/ZZZquil and more. Preparing for sleep is kind of like preparing for battle for me. And like almost everyone else here I think the sleep score is basically useless and a waste of space. Though it has gotten a little better over the past couple of months in my opinion. But it's because of that determination and/or understanding of its uselessness that allows me to ignore it and go straight to what matters: Sleep Averages. There are many people, probably even the masses, out there, that like a sleep score number. Especially new customers that haven't had what we've had for so long. Otherwise I'd imagine Fitbit would delete it. Good luck and I hope you can try to ignore the score as much a possible until they hopefully make it "optional" like the title of this thread says.
Fitbit doesn't delete the sleep score because they can use its pressure and exploit FOMO to sell their premium service. That's it. Full stop. Saying someone must like it because it's still there is like saying someone must like FIFA card packs because EA hasn't gotten rid of them. It's a money decision, not a customer satisfaction one. Get all the bad publicity you want as long as you can milk the users' wallets afterward.
I disagree. Buying Premium doesn't take away sleep score or offer anything else special. Many new users, I would bet, like a simple sleep score number when first using their fitbit. They probably buy it for steps and heart rate purposes and get a neat 'sleep score' thrown in. If you take a look at Amazon Reviews, almost NOBODY complains about sleep score, except for perhaps people like us, that are here. I only showed up when the sleep average was no longer available anywhere. But then found those two ways to get to it. And now it's at least on the default sleep page view. Progress and good enough for me. Though plenty of others would prefer the option to not have it shown at all.
The sleep score still lives but it’s not on the first sleep screen (not sure if it was before or not) which now DOES have the average sleep time for the week. The score is on the next screen, where you see the sleep stages in detail underneath the big sleep score at top of screen.
Being able to see the sleep average right off the bat is big change for the better.
Yeah, that has no appeal to me as I don’t think it’s legitimate to begin with. I could be wrong of course but I get enough from the app as it is and don’t see a need for premium. And I too suspect them of trying to get users into a monthly fee premium membership with it. ... I understand it’s a business but feel like I’m facing monthly-fees everywhere I turn. I bought your device and I’ve been pretty happy with it and that’s enough.
I'm noticing that people have been commenting on this feature for months. Is there a timeline in place forakong the feature optional? Although it's original intention may have been to motivate people to sleep more, this does the opposite. It appears to demotivate many users, including me. We are adults, we can see our hours of sleep and figure out what it means without the score.
I always want to see the graph(s) and stats, while drilling down to the guidance discussions. Score or not, the worst part of the new display is that I need to visit 3 ... or is it 4 now ... different subtiles to see the set of information that used to be on one primarily scrolling panel. I used to check: Stages Graph, Stages Benchmark, Start Time in range, End Time in range. Just by a scrolling down the page. Now that takes drill downs and scrolling past tons of fixed text blocks that never change (those should be "learn more ..." links).
Make the sleep area a list of widgets (or frames), like the main display, and allow people to select and change the order to suit their interests.
It’s good I don’t see sleep score at the bottom now, but it’s still being shoved down my throat through the main graph at the top. I don’t want to start my day with judgements from anyone, because it makes my day worse and I start felling worse than I felt before seeing the score. So I still can’t enable heart rate on my Fitbit, to not let the dreaded sleep score trigger a bout of anxiety and depression in me. Making it pretty much a useless device without this core feature.
Please move the sleep score graph to the last or at least second screen, like all other details. I could live with that, knowing that I shouldn’t swipe there even under pain of death.
Or better, make sleep score optional, like everyone has been begging for almost a year now.
I checked my Fitbit app this morning. Took longer than usual to analyze sleep but whatever. Opened the details. And below the sleep score graph, taking up so much of the screen that I can barely see the option to drill into the details, I see an ad for Fitbit premium. So I can see what goes into my sleep score. The sleep score I don't want. Without an option to even dismiss it. This had better go away when I next launch the app. I do not appreciate being sold snake oil.
With all that’s going on in the world creating over the top anxiety, SHAME ON YOU FITBIT for continuing to post a random sleep score assessing NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE but adding to anxiety.
Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this suggestion! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visitour FAQs. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.
Sleep score has been a source of annoyance ever since it came out and even became the leading score before hours asleep. This week I felt great on 9 hours and the next days felt wrecked and awful the whole day on 6 hours asleep. Fitbit translated the sleep score of both in the 70 range with 5 points difference.
Also sometimes the sleep score is higher on less sleep hours. Personally it just does not correlate to how rested I feel, the hours of sleep do best. On my best days with 9 hours of sleep my sleep score is still ‘fair’.
Because the sleep score is not actual sleep quality, it should not be leading statistic. Please show hours of sleep graph in the first place. Optionally let me rate my sleep myself.
Hi @Romia, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to make sleep score optional. This feature suggestion already exists, so I've moved it into a similar request. While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.
Hi @Lsanntyn, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to make sleep score optional. This feature suggestion already exists, so I've moved it into a similar request. While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.
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