Make yesterday’s stats count easily accessible and visible

Please show at least the previous 7 days of step counts automatically. Set it up like the heart rate page where you can easily see at a glance todays, yesterdays and more daily heart rates going back. I want to see my data quickly and easily. That’s why I have the Fitbit. Dont make it involve multiple clicks to access. At least make this an option.
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Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @HRalert, and thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about making yesterday’s stats count easily accessible and visible on the Fitbit app with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this product feedback receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides what product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

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