Multiple app notifications charge 2

I have a charge 2 on android and think it would be great if you didn't just have to choose 1 messaging app to receive notifications for. I believe you should be able to receive notifications from all messaging eg. Whats app, hangouts, facebook messenger, e-mail and text message apps at any time.

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Moderator Alum

Hi everyone, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes.

First Steps

A feature that I have been hoping for on the Fitbit Charge 2 is push notification support. In other words, I would like to see my Charge 2 show notifications for third-party apps such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. This would greatly benefit to not only normal smartwatch use but also during a workout so instead of having to pause and look at a potentially important notification on my phone, I could take a quick glance on my wrist. I am not a super smart tech person but this would most likely be possible through a software update.


Please Review this because there are probably many people out there just like me who wish for this.


Thank you for time and consideration.

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