Open clock face settings from device

It would be great if there was a device/companion API to be able to open the settings for the clock face/app. Right now, I feel that settings are sooo buried that most users don't even know they exist. So a way of launching users directly into settings on their phone would dramatically help discoverability.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Fitbit Developer
Fitbit Developer

This is a great suggestion, thanks!

Base Runner

Yes 100% it should be possible to change watch face colour etc on the device

Stepping Up

Generally the access to Apps and Clock Faces should be directly from main Fitbit mobil app screen (like "Today").
Now you first have to access your account, then the device. Both somewhat "hidden".

Most people do only have one device, so having direct access to the 7 application tiles would help a lot.

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