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Option to turn off vibration when paused on Fitbit Exercise

When I cycle and track my activity using Fitbit Exercise, I need to wait to cross the road sometimes, or stop to wait for someone to cross. Whenever I pause, my watch vibrates. Is there a way to turn it off?
1 Comment
Status changed to: Needs More Info
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Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Spaxe. Thank you for sharing your Product Feedback with the Fitbit Community. We'd like to share with you that currently it's possible to turn off the pause function when doing an exercise. To do so, I'd recommend this help article and follow the instructions described for your specific device.

If you'd like this function to work without getting vibrations, or you're referring to something different, please reply with more detail or specifics on how this idea would work and on what device you'd like to see this implemented. We look forward to your response.

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