Please add Rebounding as a workout category

Hey dear Fitbit team, 

I would like to suggest that 'Rebounding' should be added as a workout category. It is such an effective type of cardio and core workout that is done regularly by hundreds of thousands of people every day. You can read more about it here:

Thank you!


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity

First Steps

Please add rebounding!

First Steps

Agree. Would love to track my rebounding with my Fitbit.


Guys come on, it's been 3 years since this request went in - rebounding isn't exactly new on the scene for cardio it's been around since the 80s, it's far more accessible to a lot of people who have mobility problems but still want to exercise than a lot of other things so you're excluding a whole demographic of elderly or mobility challenged people who want to track their exercise, even NASA have used  rebounders with  astronauts and said it's good - just hop on a one with a good song and bounce for 10 mins and tell me your heart rate doesn't go into the cardio zone pretty quickly if you don't believe us... I don't know what other evidence you need or how many requests you need to actually add one more basic category to the list that people clearly want! pull yer fingers out! And no it's not the same as 'trampoline' 

 something i am getting increasingly bored with that i see over and over is fitbit saying 'yes we want to hear your views/yes we acknowledge your problem' but that's literally as far as it goes 😴

Recovery Runner

Yes, please add Rebounding as an exercise workout option.


Please add videos to be used with a rebounder!  I have some good DVDs but would love to use my paid subscription and not need a dvd player. 

First Steps
You can go to for the biggest selection of downloadable rebounding workouts in the world. Sent from my Galaxy
Base Runner

Does Fitbit have any updates on this?

I see the post is from 3 years ago. 

Base Runner

Does Fitbit have any updates on this?

I see the post is from 3 years ago. 


<top> Rebounding 



I have not seen any recent updates updates from Fitbit. I should clarify, my request is they add workout videos on Fitbit Premium to use with a rebounder. 


Please Please Please add rebounding as an exercise shortcut.  It’s a wonderful do-at-home exercise that makes us feel good and gets the endorphins dancing.  Who could ask for more?

First Steps

Yes please add rebounding as a category! I  use one regularly and it's great for those of us with mobility issues. I have a Luxe and it would be great if this was a category I could use on my device.

First Steps

Yes! Please add Rebounding to the exercise list! 


Yes, please! Rebounding is the only aerobic exercise I am able to without pain.

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