Post Notifications on/off option

There needs to be an option to turn on/off friends post notifications. 


Moderator edit: Topic

First Steps

I definitely will not be making anymore comments now that I know I can’t turn off the notifications super annoyong

First Steps

I would also love this feature. I made 1 comment this morning and now all morning I keep getting notifications every time someone else makes a comment on the same post.


I agree, can there please be an option to turn off the "_ posted for the first time in a while" notifications?

They are not listening - I'm still forced to look at a Sahara post a friend of mine posted around 4 months ago on the friend crap new feed before i have to go to friends - very very very annoying. They are never going to be like fb give up fitbit & for gods sake get rid of it!

If FitBit wants members to interact, they must also allow to unfollow posts/decline further notifications. I stop myself from commenting on many posts ( for support, for example) just to avoid the annoying updates. Please!

First Steps

I made the mistake of commenting on one post and liking another oneone  I'll never do it again. My phone has been taking over by notifications. That's ridiculous and intrusive. You don't need community input to know people need a way to control notifications. That's basic common sense. If you want to be like Facebook, then be like Facebook. 

First Steps

I made the mistake of commenting on a post once. There's no option to stop post notifications and it still gets a lot of traffic even after 8 months. It's blowing up my phone constantly. I don't want to turn off ALL alerts, just post notifications. I don't know why this wasn't a given when they implemented these social posts. It's frustrating. 

Keeping Pace

After being notified for weeks about someone's post, I unfriended them.  I have still have been getting notifications about it.  It's really annoying getting notified sometimes several times a day about his one post.  I would love to be able to opt out!

Base Runner

It says that it has been reviewed by moderator .... What does that mean? Its been seen and is going to be actioned? It's been seen and will be ignored? It's been seen and needs more info? What? A little update would be appreciated as this has yet to stop and I have pretty much deleted all but my closest mates now... 

First Steps

Make this happen! So annoying! 

First Steps

I couldn't agree more. I actively posted once or twice and even commented on other users' posts to encourage their progress, like others did for me. I thought that was so nice and very motivating!


Now, I regret interacting with the Fitbit community at all. If I hadn't participated, I wouldn't have notifications several times a day about complete strangers' posts. This is a deterrent for me and I, now, refuse to participate. I would be surprised if I'm the only one who has stopped looking at posts to avoid these notifications.


This is the type of software development change that, once implemented, would improve user interface interaction and help encourage engagement in the Fitbit community. I actually believe that the intention of these notifications was to encourage participation, but when an well intended idea is doing the opposite, it's time to step back, re-evaluate, and make necessary changes.


Please help, Fitbit team. 



First Steps

I replied to a post that was on my community feed without realizing that my Fitbit app would also notify me of others that would reply to the same post. I understand that one may be interested in other replies to the topic, but it's completely unnecessary to me.


I'm still getting notifications in the app & on my phone about other people replying to the post I replied to two days ago, which irks me. So I think that those notifications should be removed. Maybe a "follow" button could be added to posts on community feeds so that others who want to keep up with replies to a post can get notifications, instead of everyone who ever replied to the post.


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity and labels.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Thanks @Typo! I'm sure this would be useful for lots of customers. Thanks for sharing your idea and for taking the time to share it with us. Keen to hear what others think?

First Steps

I know that the terms and conditions for submitting ideas here basically state that Fitbit doesn't have to lift a finger to do anything, but seriously, there's a lot of people who are so understandbly annoyed with the inability to turn off notifications on posts they respond to, one would think Fitbit might oblige--especially since some, including myself, are no longer willing to make posts at all due to the inundation of subsequent notifications. So, how about you just make this very reasonable change in the functioning of your social-media-esque aspect of the software, and allow people to use it without losing their minds. Make the change. 

Stepping Up

I completely agree - some notifications are fine but the ones about people posting ‘for the first time in a while’ are ENDLESS. It just needs the option to toggle on or off what you want to receive notifications for - surely that can’t be too difficult, you can do it across pretty much all social media platforms...

Not applicable

I'd like to ask if anything is being done about it? It's yet another issue that has been communicated to Fitbit months ago and there seems to be no solution. This is a basic thing, to be able to disable notifications, I don't even understand how it can continue after all these months. I wondered when I first got my fitbit why so few people communicate on group posts, now I know why after making a mistake of commenting once!

I was so happy about getting Fitbit but I'm getting close to returning it, with problems with disappearing exercises and now this. Seems that each time Fitbit team thanks us for informing them and then ignore the problem. 

First Steps

I commented on someone’s post today where they were looking for recommendations and it’s the first time I’ve ever responded - I already regret it. It’s offputting to know that a quick reply to try and help someone out is going to result in being flooded by pointless notifications without any option to stop it.

First Steps

Please change this, Fitbit!! It is the most annoying and unnecessary feature yet. I also don’t like that when someone cheers someone’s old post from weeks or months ago that it shows up in the feed again along with everyone’s new posts. I don’t want to accidentally comment something encouraging on a year old post!! Or see a flood of a person’s old posts in the feed because one person went to their page and cheered all of their content.😞 I hope Fitbit takes action on these issues. They have been bothersome for months. I’m less motivated to check the feed anymore or interact with anybody’s posts. 

Recovery Runner
Instantly less inclined to participate in the community as I can't focus on what should have my attention. I replied to someone, and now I've got individual notifications I have to "read" one by one in order to mark them off, and then I can't even unsubscribe.
First Steps

Agreeing with all above. I commented on a post and now deeply regret it. Getting bombarded with unsolicited notifications for every individual thread comment now. Leaving the group didn’t stop them. Going to delete my comment if I can. This experience has really put me off using any community features. Please fix this so we can unfollow a thread and/or only get notifications for direct replies to our own comments rather than all replies on a thread. 

First Steps

Please make the notifications stop!  I will not be commenting or cheering any more in the future is this is how this system is. Very annoying 

Base Runner

This is insane. I feel I want to stop using the feed altogether. Come on guys! It’s so basic!!!


I don't even want to use the community features because of how annoying this is.


I found the solution for android.

Follow my step by step screenshots in the link below.




First Steps
I have not used fitbit since and will not return until this feature has been fixed. it is THAT annoying. figure it out fitbit

Sent from my iPhone
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