Pregnancy setting/mode for more accurate data


Logging a pregnancy is a must, as is the ammenorheic period due to breastfeeding.  These drastically affect predictions making the app useless for many.  Eg. I have entered my data since 2011.  My periods are like clock work occurring every 27 days... but I have had 4 pregnancies in that time so the app is telling me that my peiods average every 104 days.



Option to add basal body temp and ovulation data (eg. predictor strip).


Moderator edit: title

First Steps

yes, please make a pregnancy setting available with hartrate zones, calories and weight. it will make it more fun to use the fitbit during pregnancy and it will stay being usefull during pregnancy. Hope you will do this fast! 

First Steps

I NEED NEED NEED a pregnancy setting for Fitbit Charge 2!

First Steps

I would love to be able to track my fitness and health more effectively throughout my pregnancy and after to lose any extra weight I might need to lose. 

First Steps

It's pretty obvious that your users are continuously requesting pregnancy settings, yet Fitbit won't add this back. You had the settings before, so why after 2 years haven't these been added back??? Hurry up already 

First Steps

 Hello Fitbit Developers! 


Please can you add this feature back, or something new and improved. It's not so that pregnancy has no impact on your calories or heart rate. IFrom the comments you can see a lot of people would benefit from this feature. This would likely be the hottest topic if the not for the irony that mums, who really need this product, also likely happen to be some of the most bus people and so might not necessarily be able to make this request daily or hourly. 


Honestly It could be such a great selling point for your trackers

First Steps

Hi I just bought the FitBit Flex 2 and am pregnant. It would be great to record this info into the app as I am sure it would alter the stats and make them more accurate. Pregnant women burn a lot more calories. I am surprised that FitBit don't have this...

First Steps

Yes! I've been wondering if there was a pregnancy/nursing setting and would LOVE to see that incorporated! Pregnancy and nursing changes the way women look at resting heart rate, active heart rate (don't want it to be too high during exercise!), weight loss/gain, calorie intake, and water intake (we don't want leg cramps!). One other feature that would help me a great deal is some way to track iron, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. But maybe that's just me. 🙂 I'm very happy with the sleep tracker! That and water intake are pretty much the only things I use/watch these days on my Fitbit app. 🙂 

First Steps
There isn't one. I wish it was. Sorry.
First Steps

I also agree I think there are different options for fitness trackers that you can indicate you are pregnant and from there you can also identify if your below weight, over weight or right on at time of conception and help advise you to how many calories, work outs etc... to follow along while you are prego.  I am now hitting my third trimester and trying to regulate my weight and my calories with exercise but if I was able to track it easier with my fit bit Alta I could see a major benefit for all moms.

First Steps

In order for me to maintain and produce a good supply, I have to take on 500 to 800 additional calories per day. It would be nice to have a feature where I could track a little more accurately to my daily needs. At this point my profile stats say I've gone over.


When your pregnant your weight and heart rate go up as well as your caloric intake. It's depressing to continue to watch my cardio fitness level go down. There could be advice and settings for that:-)

First Steps

Seriously!  I just got this fitbit as a gift from my husband and I can't track my breastfeeding.  Pretty annoying that this thread (and many others) has gone on for years and the company hasn't done any changes!  This is 2018 like come on company get your stuff together.  I might just return it and find a different step counter and put all the food and activities in another app.  Why this can't seem to be worked out is beyond stupid.  And the company has even responded to this thread in forever.  Do they even care?  Are they even listening to their nursing mom's and women who are expecting?  If so, let us know that you are listening and you care Fitbit! 

First Steps

I'm so hopeful that this happens! As it was there was no option for pregnancy when tracking needs and expenditures, but I would love to see a breastfeeding expenditure option so there is less guessing. 

First Steps

Disappointed!! I would love to track my breastfeeding and pumping on the app! Get with 2018 FitBit!!!

Recovery Runner


I'm currently pregnant and think it would be cool to be able to mark that in my profile so that my heart rate, calorie intake and fitness goals could be automatically adjusted to compensate. Or at least some recommendations/insights could be given.

Since becoming pregnant my cardio fitness has gone from above average to fair due to higher heart rate. I'm ignoring my weight goals. I manually adjusted my calorie goals each trimester.

It would be cool if some of this was automated and if there were some insights given similar to the sleep insights but for all areas effected by pregnancy.


First Steps

Please add pregnancy and nursing modes! It would make tracking much more relevant (and accurate?!)

First Steps

Please add breastfeeding as an activity so us nursing mums can make our calories add up properly! Many Thanks!

First Steps

Pregnant women need to take in a lot more calories than women who aren’t pregnant. I think we should should the option to tell our Fitbit we are an expectant parent so it doesn’t make our statistics look so bad! My resting heart rate has gone right down to poor, because pregnant women have a faster heartbeat to account for pumping blood to the baby too! 


Anyone else feel the same about having the option so we do not just look really unhealthy?! 🙋🏻‍:female_sign:🙋🏼‍:male_sign:


Please add a setting for pregnant and nursing moms. Have Fitbit at least consider this option setting.

First Steps

I was one of the first people to post about these issues, I even wrote Fitbit head office when I first got pregnant. They instructed me to post in the community forum, that was almost a year ago. Now I don’t think anyone at Fitbit is listening or even cares about the pregnant portion of their clientele. There must be by now over 250 requests for Fitbit to change their app to accommodate what are significant physical changes in women’s bodies; pregnancy and nursing/lactating mothers, but there has been absolutely no response from Fitbit other than suggesting we talk amongst ourselves in this forum. 

This is a waste of time and I am definitely switching over to Apple Watch for fitness tracking. They are at least innovative and will likely make changes that accommodate our needs before Fitbummer does.

First Steps

I’ve received so many update posts to this thread it’s ridiculous at this point. It’s clear FitBit doesn’t wish to include this large group of consumers. I’ve ceased using my Fitbit and am looking for a new platform that accommodates individuals in this stage of life. 


Very disappointed in FitBits lack of response to their active community. 

First Steps

Just passing through to say that I'm so sorry I wouldn't be able to use that product because I'm nursing my 5 m old baby untill his first year.

Anyone of you ladies did you find suitable app that counts breastfeeding?






First Steps

Please make an update for nursing and pregnant women!! It's very important that we get the proper calories in every day!! Just got my fitFit last week and am trying to figure out how I'm going to use your product if it's not going to factor in my breastfeeding calories 🤔🤨

First Steps

I currently have a high risk pregnancy, I feel there should be a way to track my stats towards my pregnancy when I go to the gym. This has been an ongoing thread for years and sadly no-one has tried to add any form of pregnancy or nursing mode 😡

First Steps

Hi there,


I am pregnant and therefore things change: in my heart rate, sleeping (dreaming!), activity etc. 

Wouldn't it be a good idea to add an pregnant-button so you can see how well you are doing as a pregnant woman (kind of frustrating you get compared to 'non-pregnant ladies ;)). 





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