Pregnancy setting/mode for more accurate data


Logging a pregnancy is a must, as is the ammenorheic period due to breastfeeding.  These drastically affect predictions making the app useless for many.  Eg. I have entered my data since 2011.  My periods are like clock work occurring every 27 days... but I have had 4 pregnancies in that time so the app is telling me that my peiods average every 104 days.



Option to add basal body temp and ovulation data (eg. predictor strip).


Moderator edit: title

First Steps

Just entering my second trimester and have gained 15 pounds in my first pregnancy. (Already! 😛 ) The past year (before becoming pregnant) I lost 70 pounds. It feels very different to lose so much weight for so long and now have to be okay with a little weight gain! 🙂 But, I want to track my present results (I've always used Fitbit, since the Zip I had the cute pink one (still have it!)) during my pregnancy, see exactly where I was before pregnancy and then after October 31st, 2018 (due date) recover and then get down to business to get back to where I was headed this past year! I'm excited for all the activities I want to do as soon as I can (batting cages, running long-distance, and playing sports like soccer and softball) and I just think that as someone whom has always used Fitbit, understanding that it would take much research (and disclaimers for your protection, I'm sure) but Fitbit is an innovative company (if not in the top of innovative companies) that can certainly make this happen on their end. I look forward to a functional pregnancy setting, even if some of them are self logged such as what extra calories you wish to set yourself to, us pregnant ladies are happy to bring a list of any self-settings to our doctor(s) and ask for recommendations. I do hate watching my goal weight slip further away, but I think that for now I will leave it there because I know November/December is going to end up coming up faster than I know. I understand the pregnancy function may not be available before I'm due, but I sure would love to assist in feedback/suggestions to a prototype that you may make available sooner (hopefully before end of summer, before my third trimester) and if I had any developer skills I would offer even more assistance to you guys, I love this brand and all the company stands and strives for. -Lex


PS; friendly sidenote to some commenters:     MyFitnessPal is great I've used it for years as well, it LINKS to your FitBit account so please stop returning your products, you're setting yourself back at achieving your goals! Keep going! Have a 'No Problem!' attitude and if you have to trick the system sometimes just add a 500 calorie walk (in place of breastfeeding) Fitbit really will help you stay on track! I'm going almost 5 years strong with Fitbit and lost 70 pounds last year. Best of luck to all of you and your endeavors! Just my personal experience with these fantastic products, I know that some may differ. 🙂 (But ultimately, that is up to you!!!! 😄 )

Recovery Runner

@Calathea77 has many great points, I hope you listen.  We aren’t scared of the word Menstration, and so far that is all that this app is about.  If it really is about XX health then there would be a lot more to it (pap reminders, breast health, bone density... really I could go on).  This doesn’t actually cover fertility yet (ps, my luteal phase is 12 days, so if I was still fertile, this app would be dangerous).

Tempo Runner

They could call it Cycle Tracking if they're scared of the word Menstrual. That's a bit more discreet, still accurate, and doesn't exclude trans men and non-binary people. 


Yes!!!!! Currently pregnant for the 2nd time and trying to use my fitbit to have an actuve, healthy pregancy! Please add a pregnancy option as well as in idea to up the chaloric intake when breastfeeding or pregnant!!!!

Not applicable

I agree. I use Ovia, and will have to continue doing so for the time being because the female health app on Fitbit is basically useless.


The days it says are my high/peak fertility days are completely wrong, and I have no way of adjusting them. 


And as the OP said, there is no way to mark a pregnancy in the app either. 


At the moment all it is good for is predicting your period days. 


Agreed, this would be great! Thank-you.

First Steps

It also needs to include tracking for women who are entering menopause.  I have cycle symptoms specific to this time of my life (ex.  hotflashes) that I need to track in conjunction with my cycles.  Even the ability to add customized symptoms would suffice.  Different women need to track different experiences.

Tempo Runner

If you add one symptom, by the way, add anxiety (or low mood or something). It's a common premenstrual one, and it's the only one that can be actively dangerous. Some of us experience suicidal ideation. Being able to have a rough idea of how many anxious days we're having per cycle would really help. It could also be looked at relating to heart rate levels. 


I'm getting the impression this was released before being fully developed, perhaps because customers have been asking for it for four years now. Please listen to your users when developing it further. 

First Steps

For sure breastfeeding should be added into Fitbit as us mums breastfeed for months !! Extra calorie and water intake is a must and also not to mention breastfeeding burns loads of calories! I think it should defiantly be an option on the app. 

First Steps

It would be great if this function was more inclusive with sexual expressions, lesbian, trans-women, intersexual peopl, etc. Maybe when you run the app for the first time, as you add your information, you could select your own sexual/gender expression option in order to access specific tracking information.

First Steps

What about an option under log symptoms that is "add your own".  That way each individual can add something that my be specific to themselves.  

First Steps

That would be perfect. It would allow flexibility for different people to track different symptoms/moods/events/etc that are related to monthly cycles. I’d love it if it allowed for colors or icons to be assigned to the customized symptoms.

First Steps

 As a woman in her last trimester I would love if there was a pregnancy health option, considering these last few weeks I will be gaining quite a bit of weight so my weigh ins will make it seem I am failing at my goals. Just a suggestion! 

First Steps

I am seconding the "log your own" symptom idea, as well as the request to add additional trackable elements and make those elements visible on the calendar.

First Steps

There is a cycle altering section currently only has the morning after pill in it. What would help is to be able to log a pregnancy (but also to be able to log miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies as these will obviously alter cycles too

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Moderator Alum

That’s an useful idea, thanks for sharing @H3l3n Heart

First Steps


A great way to improve Female Health Tracking would be to add a Pregnancy and Breasting Feeding log option. With this option a women can keep track of everything going on in her pregnancy which will be more useful to her when seeing the doctor about things that are going well or concerning to the mother. This will also be helpful when it comes to calorie intake when a mother is breasting, she will be taking in more calories because she is loosing so many. I'm not sure if this already exist, but we have exercise for women, but it would be nice to include exercise suggestions for women who are pregnant and maybe even exercises to avoid while pregnant.

First Steps

A pregnant option would be great, i cant stop the tracker telling me im expecting my period, and i know its a good few weeks away still! If we could move the expected period start date to a future point, or enter a due date to stop the daily notifications and cycle stuff popping up that would be very helpful. 


Moderator Edition: Updated title for clarity

First Steps

Couldn't agree more! The female health tracker is a great new feature although it misses out key areas of women health, mainly pregnancy.

As a pregnant woman (yay!) this is a very exciting time and the doctors are always talking about how important exercise and fitness is within pregnancy. It would be great to use this feature as a way of pregnant women keeping up to date on their increase need for hydration, (healthy) calories, sleep and exercise. 

Tempo Runner

It's really essential, isn't it.  They shouldn't have released the tracker at the beta stage.

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Moderator Alum

That’s an useful idea @BabyBee, thanks for sharing this suggestion! 🙂 

First Steps

Completely agree, especially because when I received my first fitbit (back in 2015) I remember reading about an option to switch to a pregnancy mode on the website (not necessarily through the app). I was really hoping this feature would return with the release of female health tracking. I love this option to track my cycle, and would enjoy it all the more if it could switch to a pregnancy mode especially since it seems to be tracking your fertile days already. 


Also, not all women get a period. I am XX but have MRKH, which means my uterus did not fully develop. I have never had a period. Just call it menstrual or ovulation health

First Steps

YES! THIS! Essential addition if they're going to track fertility.


I absolutely adore my Fitbit and love the new feature of women’s health however it would be nice to have the option to choose pregnant. I still use my Fitbit everyday to count steps, keep fit, log weight and water intake as I still want to stay healthy while pregnant but I don’t want to see when my period is due for 9 months. 

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