Put Google Wear OS on Fitbit devices.


Please put Google Wear OS on Fitbit devices and transform Fitbit knowledge to a Wear app. It will solve so many problems, from languages support up to applications selection. Suunto did it just now. Fitbit is not a good OS developer, the OS suffers from many problems and lacks. Fitbit is a hardware (the best fitness hardware) and software (the best fitness software) manufacturer - not an OS manufacturer.

Transfer to Wear OS will make Fitbit #1 in fitness smart tech.


Moderator edit: added label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @MikeGn, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about putting Google Wear OS on Fitbit devices.


We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

First Steps

I agree with MikeGn , Please consider that. I am just waiting on that. We need at-least 6 days battery with wear os. This is the reason lot of my friends didn't buy it during this cyber week. Please consider putting wear os and maximize battery life. 

Not applicable

lamento que a día de hoy Fitbit no tome una decisión firme y acepte lo que el publico pide, un dispositivo apoyado por la tecnología de Google

I love my fitbit, but my techie boyfriend really wants a google ware watch because of the google os system. Since Google and Fitbit have integrated, it would be great if fitbit could also have a smartwatch with good battery life that comes with the Google OS.

I agree with @MikeGn. Google and Fitbit ned a device with Google OS. Fitbit already has the best fitness devices available so why not make on that comes with the Google OS? That would solve all my problems! Please work on this! 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Becknickels, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to sync with Google OS. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices.You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.

Recovery Runner

I concur.

I just bought the Versa off Amazon.

I'm pleasantly surprised by the hardware features.

I'm seriously disappointed by the lack of Google Apps integration (maps, music, calendar, gmail and others).

Considering that the original request on this forum to integrate Google music/Youtube Music was from the year 2017, I find it rather disappointing, that it has not been implemented by now, but rather find pre-installed the DEEZER and SPOTIFY services (which makes me wonder how much those services paid Fitbit to have those apps pre-installed - reminds me of the old "shovelware"-feature on newly bought computers.)


I know that Google recently acquired Fitbit for a large amount of $$$, I also know that it's not happening from today to tomorrow that two such big companies are merging their stuff (if any, see Motorola mobile division acquisition and dissolution/assimilation), but I expected to see at least some stuff/apps/features integrated, considering the 'giantism' in terms of software/features/online presence such as Google/Alphabet.

Recovery Runner

Your wish has been granted. Google has announced that it is collaborating with Samsung to bring the best of Wear and Tizen into what it calls a single, unified platform that will work on existing and future devices from both companies and from third parties.


It probably also means that the environments of all existing Fitbit devices are frozen, apart from bugfixes. No new functionality will be introduced for these devices, or indeed restoration of functions (e.g. storage of your own music on Versa 3) that existed in earlier generations, but not in the later ones.


You know, I @MikeGn does raise a valid point. I mean, I've been a fitbit for about 4 years now, and in all this time, there's been little to no real improvement on the software. Because any and all configuration requires the fitbit app (which in itself happens to be an extensive battery drainer), I always tend to experience syncing issues like 70% of the time. And even though I may be able to download apps onto my fitbit - I the fact that I have to first open the fitbit app, sync with my fitbit(always fails the first few times), and then configure the fitbit app - which is first uploaded to my profile then downloaded to my fitbit --- all of that right there, kinda just makes me tired. Like I recognize that hardware itself is impressive, but its like everything that I do on my fitbit, first requires real-time authorization from your servers. So in the end, regardless of the features or hardware of the actual device, all that it basically ends up becoming, is a heart rate monitor and an easy pay device


I'm personally holding off on a new device until something more definitive is announced in this arena.  They teased us by promising a Wear OS device at I/O but have been silent about it since then.

First Steps

Please take WearOS to Fitbit. Thank you!

First Steps

since Fitbit os is already dying thanks to Google, this would help make sure existing Fitbits last us consumers as long as possible

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