Replace Removed Badges

Recently two distance badges were removed - Russia Railways and Africa. Badges are great motivators but not when it takes so long to get or when a hard-earned badge is taken away. Please replace these badges with something else. Also, in the future, please replace instead of eliminating badges.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @ElfieKH, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about replacing removed badges. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

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Recovery Runner

Please replace Africa and Russian Railway badges. I had earned Africa badge last year and its gone now.


First Steps

Hi - I completely agree with everyone above. Badges are one of the engaging and entertaining aspects of using my Fitbit. I love sharing badges with my family and friends and reflecting on overall accomplishments.


Please consider replacing these badges for those of us who have always loved using these features.

First Steps

Badges are motivating and one should not wait too long to get the next one. Currently Africa and Russian Railway are removed from existing list and are not replaced.


After Great Wall for 5000 its directly Earth Diameter 7900 , which is 2400 miles. Please replace these removed badges by new ones, badges are motivating for our family and reason to use fitbit.


Late to this thread........I have over 7,850 miles, and the last badge (DISTANCE) i received was Nile, 4,132 lifetime miles. I should have Great Wall and Africa....Just saw Africa is no longer a badge....but I still dont have Great Wall. Was that removed as well?

It annoys me that things don't work like they should. 

Recovery Runner

@dmh21, Great Wall badge is not removed, I do see it at 5500 miles in my badges.

Badges removed are Africa (5000 miles) and Russian Railway (5772 miles) 


Well that's good, but I should have The Great Wall, and I do not.

I agree that removed badges should be added back. I want the Russian Railway added back and any others removed. What possible reason could they have to remove two or three little badges it’s like it is way too far between badges. I just don’t understand it and again I see there’s lots of people that have said it had them back that can’t be hard to do

First Steps

To earn a badge and then remove it from someone is not the way to handle opinions - political or otherwise. You are erasing someone’s achievement. Until you figure out what is fun or cool for that approximate mileage marker, create a generic replacement to honor the achievement. Then for those huge mile gaps, do the same.



Recovery Runner

Still no action taken to replace removed badges by fitbit , how hard it can be to replace badges ?

Lost my 5000 miles and 5772 miles badges achievement 


First Steps

I am late here but agree: waiting to go from Nile (4132) to Great Wall has been interminable, as was Sahara to Nile!  I understand they should take some time and effort, but 500 miles seems more motivating than 1400 miles.


First Steps

Same here, late on the topic, yet I couldn’t agree more. Having a Russian railway badge has nothing to do with supporting crazy looney Putin, yet let’s not debate PC policy here. Why can’t we just have a substitute badge (without the R word if we must)?

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