Section for favorite or previous workouts on Discover tab

I want to be able to favorite a workout from discover so I don’t have to scroll forever to find it. Or the could be a history to see previous workouts done. 
I’d also like a search feature. The whole discover area is hard to navigate, and it’s making me question whether or not to keep premium after my corona trial is up.


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity and label

First Steps

It would be great if I could watch workouts from the website on my computer screen and not just from the app on my phone. Since I am home in my living room anyway, it would be nice to be able to use the larger screen and see them better.

Also, it would be really nice if you could add the ability to save favorite workouts so that it's easy to find and repeat workouts I enjoyed or to track workouts I want to try. The workout videos have been great for me so far during this isolation, but these features would make them better. Thanks!


Mod edit: title and label.

Stepping Up

Yes!  I am trying to get my children involved, and it would be so much easier if we could all view via a computer screen and workout together!

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @nicholeg15, thanks for sharing this suggestion! Currently you can't see workouts from your Fitbit app on a computer, but you can if you download the free Fitbit Coach app. Coach has at-home workouts, as well as gym-equipment workouts that Fitbit Premium in the Fitbit app currently does not. Here's a help article with more information. 


We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQsWatch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Hkwhite. Thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding a section for your favorite or last workouts done in the Discover tab on the Fitbit app. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


I’d love it is I was able to create a playlist or favorites list for my favorite premium workouts and breathing exercises! I’m having to make my own list outside of the FitBit app to remember my favorite exercises I’ve done. 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Lysssss, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding a favorites list of premium videos on the Fitbit app. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


This feature would be amazing!! I have also been looking for the same thing. There are a few videos I go back to frequently and this would be great for not only marking and tracking them for myself, but maybe it could also somehow lend to the community to show most popular or most liked videos somewhere.


It would be awesome if there was an option in Premium to save my favorite workouts. That way I don't have to look for them every time. 

First Steps

For sure would like this.  I was looking all over for at least a heart to click to indicate that video was a favorite.

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @TracyWinget, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see a section of favorite Premium workouts. Thanks for sharing your feedback. I've moved it into a similar request.  A lot of users are asking for this option, I hope we receive updates soon.




In the app for iPhone for fitbit premium there is not ability to search for a term for the workouts other than the pre created categories of "abs & core" or "full body" or "easier go-to's". This is fine but often means you have to scroll through many videos to find an appropriate one. I know that some people have suggested favouriting workouts as helpful addition but I also think a general search bar would be great so that you can combine terms. For example, if I want an under 15 minute, no equipment needed workout, I currently have to search through either all of the under 15 videos or conversely all of the no equipment needed videos but with a search feautre only the ones in the app that meet that description would pop up. Even to search by the creator of video, like popsugar or barre. Would make searching for the appropriate video more user friendly. 



First Steps

I wholeheartedly agree with this request!! 

First Steps

Just curious if this has been updated? I was able to favorite or "heart" videos a few days ago but know I dont see the option. And all of the videos I saved are gone? 

First Steps

I think for the price we pay monthly we should be able to “favourite” workouts - it’s great that there’s so many, but when time is short it is not easy to scroll through and find one to do! Ps I have been trying to comment on this for a few weeks! It was not easy 


I just cancelled my Fitbit Premium subscription. I have been very disappointed. Many people, including me, have asked for the ability to favorite workouts, search for workouts, and watch workouts on a device bigger than a phone for months without any solutions. At this point I’m paying $10 a month for a bingo game. Fix these things and maybe I’ll be back.

Recovery Runner

I am still on the free trial and was just starting to figure out how to use the workouts. Was actually really liking them but without the ability to save or favorite the ones I find that work for me, the workouts are not useful to me and I will cancel premium. (Also don't like the loss of ability to view sleep stage graphs over weeks, months and year that I had in basic, but that is another thread). I have specific physical requirements for what I can and can't do and very limited time to search or explore workouts. When I find something I like, I need to be able to add it to a collection or I will never find it again. Current system is an ocean of undifferentiated content every time I try to find something. Many, many categories and they seem to change every day. If you can't build the "favorite this" ability, can you at least allow the user to input search terms to find specific types of workouts? If I could search on "body weight low impact" even that would be better than randomly clicking. The emails with suggested content are great, but unless i am opening to do the workout at that moment, it's gone. Really hope you will fix this soon because I'd like to stay with the service and not much else about it is useful to me besides the guided workouts.


First Steps

I ended up cancelling mine as well. It's easier to watch YouTube workouts for free on my smart tv since YouTube has a channel. Not sure why functionality like this can't be implemented for Fitbit? I also have issues with the device itself that are making me question whether I should switch to Apple or something else. I like Fitbit's sleep info, and since I've never been a big fan of watches, I really like the slim, minimalist lines of the Inspire HR and how it looks more like a bracelet. Unfortunately, the screen will sometimes just stop working, and I have to plug it in to my laptop to reset. The screen also times out extremely fast when I'm trying to end a workout so that I have to try many times before I'm able to hit finish. Plus the heart rate sensor sometimes loses my heart rate in the middle of a workout, which is frustrating because HR tracking is primarily what I bought it for. The screen isn't bright enough when it's sunny outside, but I'm sure that's not an issue for the Versa, etc. And the iPhone app has trouble syncing with the tracker about 50% of the time. Not sure why all of these little issues have not been remedied, but I'm feeling like I need something a bit more reliable. 

First Steps

I've been using fitbit is my primary source of workout since my gym has been closed/limited. I would REALLY love to be able to pin or save workouts I like or go back. to. 

Recovery Runner
An option to either favorite workouts or add them to your playlist is something that should have been BY DEFAULT FROM THE START! As for the free vs. Premium - favorite a video should be available for both, keep playlist for Premium as an extra. And why favorite for both? Well, first you also have some free workouts and you should cherrish ALL your customer, not just the paying ones (so don't you dare to take those free workouts away 😀), but also like this following model situation can happen: a customer with a free access browses through workout videos, he finds some that he wants to use but they're premium. So for now he's going to favorite them and if he finds enough, it will be a good push for him to actually buy the premium and when he does he will have all the favorite workouts in his account marked as favorites, so he doesn't have to look for hours and hours for them again. Boom, one happy customer waiting for you!
First Steps

I’ve posted before but agree with all subsequent comments. I have just added a tweet (@AlexSian7) to hopefully gain some interest that way, as if anyone had as much trouble as me trying to post, they may have given up, so limiting how much it looks like this feature is wanted! Feel free to find the tweet and share / like! 😉 

Status changed to: Released
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone, and thanks for sharing this suggestion. We’re very happy to let you know that this has been released on Discover tab. You can find more details on the Fitbit app > Discover > Guided Programs/Challenges & Adventures/Workouts/Mindfulness > You can tap on the star to add them to your list of favorites.

@Hkwhite, in recognition of your excellent suggestion, each of your votes will now count as 5 votes – you have the power! Thank you for sharing this idea, and thanks to everyone who voted and commented for your enthusiasm which has now materialized for everyone’s benefit. We hope you all enjoy this new addition to the Fitbit product or service!

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