Show prior weeks stats for comparison in Weekly Report

Dear FitBit, thank you for sending me the Weekly Stats email each week, but those numbers aren't very meaningful because they have no prior stats to compare them against.

I'd like to suggest that you provide a rolling 4 week summary of each of the stats.  For example, for the total steps, provide the weekly steps for this week plus the prior 3 weeks.


That way you can say, "Oh, I did 5,000 more steps this last week.  What did I do differently (that I should continue to do)?"  The way the Weekly Stats are now, if I did 60,000 steps this last week, I'm wondering "How many steps did I do last week?"; that email doesn't answer that question.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label


Better yet, just let me find the info by week on the Dashboard.

5K Racer

The weekly email does at least have the little Up/Down arrows in each section to let you know if you did better/worse than last week, you just can't see by how much.


The Dashboard does let you see weekly stats, and then you can just scroll through the weeks individually. (Just click the "week" button at the top.)

First Steps

Oh, that's what those are.  They are so subtle, I never noticed them.  Thank you, Michael!

First Steps

I received weekly report by email, which is good. But in current weekly email, I just can see what I have done and comparisons between days within this week, I also would like to know comparison BETWEEN weeks. (like I walked 40,000 steps this week, actually last week it is just 35,000, oh! I've made an improvement!)..things like that....Coz this is a weekly report, so I want to know how I've done in this week (compared to last week, or before), not I've done on some exact day (which I could check it everyday by mobile app). Thanks!


Moderator edit: Labels/Title for Clarity

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Your weekly Fitbit progress report displays up and down arrows in each section to let you know how you're doing compared to the week prior, but you can't currently see by how much. 


Screen Shot 2014-10-01 at 4.12.25 PM.png


Is this what you're looking for, or would you like more detail? Any other suggestions for improving the Weekly Progress Report? 

First Steps

 Thanks Alison for your kind reply.

Yes, I mean more detailed comparison. like by how much, and how does this week compare with last three/four weeks (can just steps, if you think display all would be too much information, as I actually dont care other items (or you can even leave options of displaying what item to users themselves(can choose it undern "do you want weekly report by email" settings)))

Really appreciate seeing you guys are taking our users' commends under consideration. Thanks. =]


I would like to see, on the weekly and monthly reports, if my average for the week is greater than or less than my average across all weeks.


I think Fitbit should consider that it might be more valuable to provide that data to all users for free in order to decrease users probability of switching to your competitors.

First Steps

The weekly reports NEED to include a week over week report. Improvements to steps are made over time and it would be nice for the emailed report to include progress at a glance, without having to save emails and go back and compare by flipping through multiple emails

First Steps

I agree...Reporting needs to be improved.  We should be able to obtain on-demand reporting (daily, weekly, monthly, specific date range).  It would be great to see graphical representations so we can compare one period to another.   In addition, it would be great to see a trend line for each major area (steps, calories, stairs, distance, etc.).


First Steps
Add the previous week's comparison to the new version of the Weekly Progress Report.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @ceemonster1, thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about showing the previous week's comparison on the Weekly Report with us. Because this idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestion board, I’ve moved your post here. Please support this idea by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

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