Store and Change Clock Faces in the Watches too (Without the app)

I would to store the different watch faces on the watch it's self so i can change them from the watch without needing the app.


Moderator Edit: Tile Update and Labels. 

Stepping Up

I would like to store multiple watch faces on my Ionic at the same time so I could scroll through them. Using a Primary, Secondary, etc assignment pattern.

First Steps

Very much agreed! From another "sad ex pebbler who would love this feature"!




I just got the fitbit versa and kinda bummed to know I can only have ONE watch face stored in it at a time; even worse is that I have to go search through the ENTIRE watch face library EVERYTIME I wanted to load a new watch face on the versa..

I could still accept the 1 watch face limitation storage on the versa but it would be great if I could bookmark watch faces to a favourites list so I can navigate easier to install the watch face whenever I want to change the watch face



Stepping Up

Most definitely need this for my Ionic.

First Steps

This is definitely a must. When I got my watch I was so excited to select different clock faces thinking I could easily switch them with a few taps on the watch. I couldn't believe that Fitbit was so shortsighted as to not allow storing at least a reasonable amount of clock faces on the watch when they have such a wonderful selection. Having to go through the whole gallery to find your clock face choice again and then re-load is an arduous and time-consuming task. It makes what would have been a fun feature an annoyance. I hope they will fix this issue.


I agree, at least 2 or 3 of your favorites that you can store on the watch.

First Steps

Should def be able to switch watch faces on the device. But barring that in the store have a way to mark favorites or previous faces used. Sifting through a couple of dozen to find a face you liked is one thing, sifting through 200 some odd something else entirely. Also being able to note on a build if it is reliably loading on your device would be a nice feedback mechanism so that watch faces constantly failing would be something you could see and bad faces (no matter how cool they look) could either be addressed or fall down in rankings etc... 

Recovery Runner

Awesome idea. 


Personally, I would prefer to have the app storage on the Versa used as storage for watchfaces.

That way, if I choose to have fewer apps on my watch, it would allow for more storage space for watchfaces.

I agree with other postings: multiple watchfaces should be stored on the watch (at least two or three) and the phone app should have a category for 'favorites' or 'recently used' watchfaces.

Not applicable

I also agree with this point. I currently use a more colourful watch face during the day and found that the white space in this face produces a significant 'light' at night in bed. This has on occasion, woken me up.


As a result I have been changing to a darker watch face at night that has more black space therefore reduced light output. Less chance of waking either of us up this way.

It would be much easier to do this nightly change via the Ionic screen itself rather than using the phone app and having to sync the watch face across.


I agree. Please add this feature. It is highly frustrating to have to search the entire store to find my favorites every time. Long term it would be great to let us switch faces directly on the watch. Perhaps that could be the swipe right feature that is not currently attached to anything. At a minimum it would be nice if the Fitbit app would keep the faces and we could pick from there ...very similar to Garmin. 


@IronClaw I don't think it would be a good idea to have changing watch faces tied to a swiping gesture.   This is a big problem I had with my previous Android W-- sorry, Wear OS watches since their 2.0 update.   They had this feature, where swiping left would access a menu of recent watch faces.  It seemed like a good idea in theory, but any given time throughout the day I'd look down at my wrist to check something and my watch face had changed without my realising.  The watch had incorrectly interpreted some unintentional touches to the watch as a swipe and changed the face without my knowing.   It was TOO easy to change and I hated it.


I'd like this feature to be accessible through the app menu, like the Timer and Exercise apps are, so at least there's a level of protection from this happening.


@SolidCake90...That is a good point.  The Apple Watch also allows you to store multiple faces on the watch. I don't recall any issues with swiping to change ...but I acknowledge what you are saying. 


Overall, I would just like to be able to quickly change between favorites ...OR at least mark my favorites in the Fitbit app so I don't have to scroll through every watch face in the store when I want to change. A new watch face app is a good idea. 


I think you should add an App Store for FitBit Versa and Ionic so you don’t need to go to the FitBit iOS app to download apps, and you can just go on your FitBit App Store to download apps INSTEAD

Stepping Up

Minimum: Favorites list in the app.

Ideal: Multiple faces stored on the watch.

Status changed to: Needs More Info
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Someone..., thanks for sharing your suggestion. Can you please give us more details on why do you want a separate store? Are you having issue with how it is now? Thanks for your comments in advance!


Coming from a Pebble Time Steel to the Ionic, I was always used to have my 'favorite' watch faces available from the watch itself. It makes it much quicker to switch to a different face as your mood changes. I tended to use two or three faces a week depending on how i was feeling! Also, because of the flakeyness of the connection between the app and watch (on my phone at least), it would makes changing much faster.

Tempo Runner

Agree with this. I'd like something similar to Samsung (at least the Fit2). You can easily scroll through the watch faces you've used/have installed. It seems to me that on the Versa, once you reply the watch-face, you'd have to search through all of them again to get back to one you've already used before - which means you'd have to remember the watch names/what they look like exactly. 

Not applicable

I completely agree. Really annoys me that I lose my watch faces when I change to a different face. Then when I want to go back I have to search all over again. Frustrating! 

Hill Runner

It would be great if we could save our favorite clock faces right on our Versa and switch between them without having to use the phone.


The ability to store more than one clock face on the watch would be great. At least two: one for every day use; and one for going out.

Also, it would be nice as mentioned if there was some way to favourite clock faces so you didn't have to scroll through hundreds trying to find them. Search is a bit weak, and noone wants to have to remember the names of their favourite faces.

Base Runner

yeah how can this have not been implemented already?! when i was setting up my versa i spent 20 minutes scrolling through the gallery thinking i could add every clock face i liked to my watch or app. i don't want to have to scroll through hundreds of faces just to get to the ones i like

First Steps

Fitbit is really falling behind. It seems like they don’t care to support a released product. The Ionic has been out for a year and the versa about 6 months. There has not been any updates on the app or the watch. They just don’t care. Unlike the Pebble group, they would respond to people’s feature requests and were constantly making updates to improve functionality. 


Having just got a Versa I was really surprised you could only change the watchface through a cumbersome method using the app. It seems like a very simple thing to do to store some watch faces on the device so you can change them on the fly.

Base Runner

It’s as if Fitbit did nothing with the IPR and staff they inherited from Pebble... I received a Versa as a birthday gift yesterday and expected it to at least match the Pebble Time Steel I’ve been wearing since it came out. I mistakenly thought the Versa would be what the pebble time 2 might have been, but it looks like I’ll need to wait thru several firmware updates and maybe even Versa v2 for it to catch up. Also dumbfounded that I can’t set Centigrade for weather and miles for distance. Did Fitbit do any research or testing before they released this outside the USA?

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