Stroller Mode

Many fitbit users push strollers and face the issue of steps not being tracked while pushing a stroller. What if fitbit created a stroller mode, which used a different step-tracking algorithm designed to mimic arm movements while pushing strollers or carts? If possible it can also detect steps with the current algorithm as well. This improved algorithm will be able to track the subtle up and down movement of the watch while pushing a stroller. 


This may require a lot of research, but if it isn't too difficult to adjust the step tracking algorithm, this could definitely be a possibility. 


Moderator Edit: Updated title for clarity & labels.

First Steps

Yes, please. A stroller/cart mode would be excellent! Also, waterproof or resistant Charge would be fantastic!

Recovery Runner

I agree!  I pushed a double stroller around Disney for a week and my husband (non pusher) had 3x as many steps as me on his phone app than I did on my fitbit!  I prefer to promote my fitbit as "mine is better than yours".... but it really let me down at Disney 

Base Runner

A quick and easy way to implement this would be for "stroller mode" to use GPS to accurately measure the distance travelled during a walk and then divide this distance by the users stride length in order to estimate the number of steps that should have been taken. This figure can then be used to replace that calculated by the users tracker.


This would only really work for long outdoors walks (i.e. It's a viable method for walking *to* the supermarket with a stroller but not really for walking around in circles inside the supermarket itself, as the accuracy of the GPS distance would be quite low under those circumstances) but this would be a lot better than nothing and probably meet my needs.


At at any rate, the lack of a stroller mode (and the inaccurate step counts that come with it) is the only thing putting me off upgrading my Fitbit One to a Charge 2 at the moment so I hope it gets sorted soon!


I would love to have this mode. I will use the GPS for walking when I push my stroller and I will walk 2+ miles and it will only give me 100 or so steps. I hate it and feel like my fit bit is pointless at times like this. 


I think this is a good solution to what is a critical issue with the fitbit.  And it's funny to me that the advertising is all about mother's day but the product isn't terribly useful for new mums!  As someone mentioned the fact that the fitbit doesn't work with a stroller is demotivating.  The solutions are incomplete (wearing it in your sock and losing HR function) or unsatisfactory (getting another step tracker). 


I just got my Charge 2, which I bought specifically for the HR monitor function. After years of using a One and getting very accurate step counts I am now losing substantial numbers of steps to the stroller and shopping carts. A "pushing something" exercise option would be a welcome addition. I am now wearing my unpaired One so that I can actually see how many steps discrepancy between the Charge 2 and the One and it is substantial. I can't push one handed, as many commentators have stated, that is not a reasonable solution, and I can't put it in a pocket and still get the HR function. This REALLY needs a fix!!

First Steps

Having a fit bit is amazing! It keeps me active and going with 2 busy kids! I make sure I'm moving instead of sitting around all day (which is all I want to do with an infant and a toddler!) 

i love having all the data on my Blaze on my wrist, but I wish there was an attachement you could buy that goes on your sock/shoe/ankle to more accurately capture your steps - but I still want the watch component.. but somehow have a little clip on your foot that syncs with the watch so you know how much your walking... but allow the watch to still capture the steps when you don't have the foot add on to it! I'd definitely pay for that 🙂 

First Steps

Agreed! I can't believe that they haven't developed a pushchair/shopping trolley mode yet, yet the customer service guys are linking people to vote for one here, and it was started a year ago!

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

I think this is a very interesting idea. It would be a great addition, specially for those trips to the supermarket or when handling a stroller (if you have a baby). I do agree that this will require a lot of research, but hopefully Fitbit will do its best to adjust this! Thanks for sharing your suggestions! Robot Happy


I honestly don't get this

I had an Ultra, wore it on my bra. Tracked all my steps, no arm movement necessary

I had a One, work it on my bra. Tracked all my steps, no arm movement necessary

My daughter has a Charge, tracks all her steps even pushing the stroller or the shopping cart.

I have a Charge 2 - does not accurately track steps when I am pushing a stroller, shopping cart, or holding my purse on my shoulder. It is really disappointing that the technology that worked so well with other trackers, doesn't work properly with this one. 

Recovery Runner

This would be an amazing feature, and is really needed!  I live near a walking path and take my son out in his stroller almost every day.  Not to mention all the times I push a cart at the store.  I used to wear the One on my bra, but that's less convenient now and I really like my Alta.  This seems like a huge glitch.


A couple of examples: I didn't realize how low my steps were until my husband and I both walked one day and he wound up with 4,000 more steps than me!  The only difference is that I was pushing the stroller.


Just yesterday I walked all over a nearby shopping center with my son in the stroller (keeps him entertained) and got 1,000 steps.  Yet, walking from the car, into the restaurant for lunch, and back to the car without a stroller was 500 steps.  Something's not right...


I couldn't agree more. I love my Fitbit blaze and having the various features available on my wrist, I was more then a little upset to discover that since becoming a first time mum and trying to be active that my Fitbit doesn't count my steps when walking with my pram, the only solution I can find is wearing it on my ankle or in a pocket however that defeats the purpose of having a blaze as I can see my steps, time or get notifications.

your suggestion for an ankle attachment is fantastic.

Recovery Runner

i agree. or the fact the surge has gps on it, cant you have a stroller mode which you have to turn gps on and the steps are estimated via the distance you have traveled from the gps, rather than arm movement 

Recovery Runner

surge 2 has been designed to track where you have been.  surely you can use this distance to calculate steps. ie if 1mile = estimate 2,200 steps then this could be transferable. 

i will be running/walking a lot with a buggy so the arm movement will not be used. As going on maternity leave i am really keen to get my fitness back and so my heart rate is important to me during and after exercising to track, so putting my surge in my pocket is not a solution.

First Steps

I'm a dedicated FitBit'er, currently using the CHR2. However, if this issue cannot be fixed so I can continue to use it on my wrist (HR and telling of time and distance), I'll have to find another sports tracker that do. For me the problem arises when I'm pushing a stroller (one hand pushing is not an option for safety reasons), hiking with walking sticks and going cross-country skiing. A GPS, mobile app, and/or extra device (a foot or waist pod?) would all be acceptable if an integrated solution isn't possible. I really like my fitbit so are hopeful for a solution (sooner rather than later).


I'd love this feature too! I'd also love it if I could alter my run data to reflect the fact that I ran with a stroller as the effort of running with my kid is far different than running by myself!


Yes PLEASE 🙂 I'm 5 ft. 2, weigh 100 lbs. & by far the most enjoyable way for me to get my steps is out with my 2 toddlers. There's no way I can safely push my huge double-stroller 1-handed! Please Fitbit, configure a stroller-mode. This was my main reason for getting one, & I don't really feel like having to strap it around my ankle as I'm a good girl Lol! 

First Steps

I have three small kids and we walk everywhere, my steps doesn't mirror this though (some days I don't sit down and barely reach my target) because I'm PUSHING THE PRAM! 

Its very frustrating that I'm not getting the credit for walking miles pushing the buggy because my hand isn't moving.

First Steps
First Steps

Got quite disappointed when I figured that out about the stroller... if the steps can't be captured for real, is there a way you could create "walk & push" and "run & push" exercices type? That could help parents (or care takers for kids or people in wheelchair...) to log exercice on top of steps and better accuracy. That until the sensitivy can improve. Alternatives so far are not satisfying as they all create other gaps: loss of heart rate, sms/call display... 

Recovery Runner

I came on to suggest this very idea. It is very frustrating not having steps counted when pushing a pram. I have tested routes and just over half seem to count. I would love to have a feature/mode for when out walking with the kids!

First Steps

I'm finding I'm loosing out on alot of steps a day when I'm pushing my baby in his pushchair. Please figure a way where this won't be a problem.


Meme too.  Only solution I have found is to wear the Fitbit around the ankle when pushing the peak which isn't ideal!

Base Runner


Maybe wear your Fitbit on ankle, it will then track your steps ok. I put mine (Blaze) on ankle under sock and long pants when wearing a nice watch when out for the evening etc... I also wear on ankle overnight in bed, as I don't like to wear my watch while sleeping. It works fine on ankle.

Not applicable

Happens when pushing a shopping cart in the store too.

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