Support Google Workspace accounts to log in to Fitbit account

Right now people like myself that use a Google Workspace (so not something [at] account as their main account, are locked out of Fitbit "login with Google" features - and our accounts can't be migrated.

Moderator edit: Clarified subject and updated label
Does anyone know if this trick works for charge 6 too? (Selecting charge 5?)
Recovery Runner

This is needed, otherwise after 2025 no more Fitbits for me. I will not use a special Google account just for my FitBit

Not applicable

What's even more stupid is that Google has sent me multiple emails - to my GOOGLE WORKSPACE ACCOUNT - suggesting that I migrate my Fitbit account to my Google account.  I would if I could, but it simply rejects my attempts to try.

Recovery Runner

@Nik0sTried to go to that page - Access Denied

First Steps

Please fix this. The second-class citizen status of workspace accounts is quite weird. We likely are your most profitable / high LTV customers.

First Steps

Adding my name to the list of people who have a google workspace account for.... IDK 15 years?

This whole Fitbit fiasco seriously makes me consider dropping all of my enterprise subscriptions Google, Google Drive and Fitbit subscription for Microsoft 365/outlook and Whoop.  Probably the only Google subscription I would retain is Youtube premium. 

Google bought Fitbit literally 2.5 years ago.  You've barely done anything w/ the platform and haven't seen any integration with Google Health.  The 3rd party app eco-system integration constantly has problems.  And now I am going to get kicked off your platform because you don't support your own corporate accounts...

It's almost mind blowing to me.  I actually met the team when they did the IPO on the roadshow in NY with their "don't be evil" S-1 filing.  How about "don't be **ahem**ty and stupid?"  Can we add that to the Google corporate repertoire also?

First Steps

I love how this post is building momentum - please also support this topic in the Google Workspace community:

It shows as access denied. Sigh!
First Steps

I'll join the list of people wanting support for Google "Workspace".

I've always viewed that as a personal but paid account, where I can get all the benefits as regular Gmail but with my own domain. In my opinion that's how it was sold to me when I originally joined years ago. No idea when the "work only" mentality hit Google with paid accounts. It's a bit like getting treated as a second-rate citizen. I thought I'm paying to get more options, not less. It's the same with Youtube premium where I can't upgrade to Family membership, or myriad of other services I'd occasionally like to get for the family.

I've been thinking of ditching whole account, but it's a pain to move everything, or at least used to be. I guess I'll get over that threshold some day..

First Steps

Unacceptable. I'm considering returning my Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel Watch 2 because of thiis.

First Steps

I'm also having the same problem. Please think about the stupidity of creating a new account just for fitbit. I would like to use my new companion without any trouble, so I would appreciate your help.

First Steps

I use Google workspace for everything too. Need this fixed.


I reached out to Google Workspage support over this issue, and through persistence and knowing some ins and outs of contacting support, spoke with a live rep.

I have not yet verified if this works, because 'the service propagation period has a maximum of 24 hours, so we will have to wait and check in later'. I'm skeptical of whether or not this will have any effect, as it seems to just be authorizing the app for use on the Workspace account (which is unrestricted in the first place, so...). But here it is:

  1. Security > Access and Data Control > API Controls
  2. Manage Third Party App Access
  3. Add App > Android
  4. Search for Fitbit
  5. Enable

Once added, it'll look like this:


It still gives me an error when trying to migrate within the Fitbit app, but like I said, they told me to wait out the API propagation period before escalating. I'll post more if I hear more, but this is worth a shot.

First Steps

Tucker973 - That will not work, either the Workspace Support rep doesn't know what they are talking about or they are just trying to get you off the chat.

"it seems to just be authorizing the app for use on the Workspace account (which is unrestricted in the first place, so...)." <-- you nailed it.


I also have my tenant set to "Allow users to access any third-party apps", i.e. trusting the Fitbit Android app will not make a difference; that will not suddenly allow a Workspace Account to act like a consumer Google Account. Google needs to make the change.

Nice try though! Sadly we'll need Google to make a statement either one way or the other, currently their silence seems to imply Google Workspace accounts will not get this functionality. 



@MikePie agreed, but I've got an open ticket and am willing to continue using support time to move things up the chain. I look forward to the next step, which is for the rep to reach out to the application developers 🤣

We're using our time to complain, might as well not suffer in silence. If they want to chew up support hours to chase their own tail, happy to use my time to help hold the leash instead of simply shouting into the void.

First Steps

@tucker973 - Keep fighting the good fight!! Give'em hell!! etc... LOL

Seriously though, this FitBit issue is just another in the line of Workspace account issues.
I hate that we have no Generative AI in Gmail/Messages while the free accounts do.
My Nest account lost the ability to interface with Alexa and requires an account migration to Google which is in the same situation as our FitBit accounts.

As for this specific FitBit issue, adding the Pixel Watch (first generation) to the FitBit app appears to have fixed the main issue that everyone here is having, although, once the 2025 deadline comes around, we'll all be back in the thick of them proposing that we "use another account"... and round and round we go.

So thank you for taking the initiate to work directly with the support teams, but I suspect that they already know much of what is (and isn't) going on and it's mostly by design.

First Steps

Thank you all for your feedback and for your continues effort to escalate this. It seems this fitbit/workspace situation raised a lot of visibility to these ongoing Workspace issues, and it is now a good opportunity to deal with it. Hang in there, in my opinion this will either get visibility a true internal solution or it will escalate legally, as it deals with losing access to your account and the data that you own through Google. I'm surprise that no law firm hasn't picked up this yet to take it to the court, for Pixel specifically and other Made by Google products, they are now falling into a false advertising also as they are mentioning Google Account is required to use their services, but Goggle Workspace Accounts are Google Accounts and they do not support them. And then there is EU, for the same reasons it is only a matter of time before EU realizes what is going on and starts to legally be investigating. Please use your time you spent with the Google Reps, to mention along with the Fitbit situation, the other major workspace limitations, such as Google One, Google Rewards, Offers Tab missing from Play Store, Google Wallet works but Gpay does not, AI limitations, VPN for Pixels does not work, Account Authentications Errors on Pixel Watch etc.

Thank you also all of you that supported the similar thread on the Google Cloud forum: Google Workspace Accounts act the same as Google A... - Google Cloud Community- For those of you that does not have access to the page, if I remember correctly this is an internal non-public forum, but you should get an option to request access and participate.

First Steps

Also keep referring and explaining to their support that you can use your Google Workspace email and create accounts for competitive ecosystems, like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta etc., with no limitations whatsoever to their services, you get FULL ACCESS, but using that Google Workspace Account as a Google Account withing Google's ecosystem, gives you a second-class user status that locks them out from major Google Services. Most reps once they realize this they see how bad the situation is, they flip-out and willing to escalate this as much as possible.

First Steps

I returned the pixel watch 2 i just ordered due to this issue...

Recovery Runner

I agree with all the other commenters - this is silly.  I'm paying for google services and can't use them for some things (google health studies also doesn't work with workspace accounts and I'm pretty sure there's something else I ran into).  When is this gonna get fixed?

First Steps

Has anyone tried emailing sundar@ ? 

Stepping Up

I have problems with creating a AI wallpaper. Same as described here:

Do you also have this problem? Maybe it's also workspace account related. 



First Steps

I'm in the same boat.  I'd love to have my Fitbit account tied to my Workspace account.  I'm very annoyed that they're incompatible

First Steps

I, too, am in the same boat. I have a Google Workspace account that I use for personal use with a custom domain.

I think I know why the decision was made. I suspect it is to do with the data that is stored and making sure that a workspace admin can't access what is personal health data. At face value, this makes sense, but it also shows a lack of understanding about how many people use Google Workspace. There are also two solutions to this:

The first is a really simple, non-technical solution. Let the user decide. Put a clear disclaimer during the registration/sign-in process that makes it clear that the workspace admin can access your health and fitness data. Maybe even strongly recommend using a personal Google Account. However, still let users decide which type of Google account to use. If they want to use a workspace account, it should be up to them. Anything else is being a nanny.

The second is a more technical solution, but I think Google should be looking at this anyway for many different situations. Right now, Google Account login can be used by many different 3rd party applications. I am sure many users sign in with their workspace account to software that they would much rather their company couldn't access on their behalf. I can log in to Airbnb with a Google workplace account for example, but I wouldn't want my company to see where I stayed on holiday. 

So, a solution could be that when you log in with a Google Workplace account, you have the option to keep that data private with an additional password that can't be seen or changed by a workplace admin. Making this possible for users could be an option that admins could turn on and off. If you left a company, there could also be an option to transfer all those accounts to a personal google account if you wanted to.

I hope Google get on to this. It is important that they understand their users and their needs. 





First Steps

I have the same problem, managing my private family domain using Goggle Workspace.

Please fix this, Google.  Thanks. 

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