Support Hebrew language for notifications on Charge 5

Hi all, can you pleaasseeee make charge 5 support in the Hebrew language? we really need it..


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

It has been 15 months since this bug has been reported here.

In 2022, multilingual support is not a feature request. Not supporting a specific language, is a bug, and not being able to fix this for this long is either a FAILURE of your development team to meet the minimal standards of consumer application software, or an INTENTIONAL feature driven political or racist policy.

We'd love to hear which of the above is causing this ongoing denial of service from a specific ethnic group.

Your call 


I really wanted to buy charge 5, but since hebrew support wasn't implemented yet, a year and a half after it was first requested,I ended up buying a new charge 4 which does support hebrew. It's hard for me to understand why a new version doesn't support a feature that was supported in previous versions. I've been a fitbit user for over 6 years and had a few trackers. Sadly I will have to buy a different company's tracker the next time I'll need a new one 

First Steps

It's anoing to have no support in Hebrew in Charge 5 as it was at the previous model.

Please fix it

Recovery Runner

Can't believe I switched from charge 4 to 5 and lost the ability to see my messages in Hebrew. Please add Hebrew Support. Thanks. 

First Steps

I upgraded from 4 to 5. If I'd knew the 5 doesn't support notifications on hebrew I would never buy it. 
Please add hebrew!

First Steps

Please add Hebrew support 

It's insane it's still not supported even not in the new charge 6 version. 

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone and thanks for sharing this product feedback, which has received votes from other community members. I’m happy to let you know that this feedback has been picked up internally at Fitbit and is being considered by our team. This product feedback will either remain ‘Under Consideration’ until released, or else move to ‘Not Currently Planned’ if it’s not viable right now. Further updates will be posted here.

Please remember that if a product feedback is chosen for development, it can take some time before updates are available or a release is finalized, so thanks in advance for your patience. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs. Fans can continue to vote for this product feedback while it is under consideration.

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