Team Option for Challenges

Create a team option for challenges such as the Workweek Hustle.  The team with the highest average wins.  Suppose you want to set up three teams such as:

  • (You) Captain Kirk, Bones, Spock
  • Captain Stubing, Julie, Gopher
  • Captain Dallas, Ripley, Kane

First, you invite the other captains (as captains), then you (and the other captains) invite your teammates (as teammates) like such:



Once everyone has been added, the leaderboard will sort the rank of teams first, then within teams, shows the rank among the teammates like this:


The chatter can be designated within the team or for the entire challenge.  The limits can be expanded to say 3 teams and 10 members within each team.


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Frank | Washington, USA

Fitbit One, Ionic, Charge 2, Alta HR, Blaze, Surge, Flex, Flex 2, Zip, Ultra, Flyer, Aria, Aria 2 - Windows 10, Windows Phone

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

First Steps

Yes! I agree.


I wish there were more challenges or collaborative ones. For example, the group would have to work together to "climb Everest", "walk a marathon", "walk from coast to coast", etc.


I think you should be able to compete as teams vs other teams.  Steps could be averaged or summed.  I also think you should be able to create your own challenges including other metrics besides steps.

A challenge with teams would be great. For example a team of 2 against a another team of 2.
Base Runner
@Jerredzee. I like this idea. ☺️
First Steps

Love this idea!

First Steps

I would love to see an option for a team challenge in the community section.  The ability for members of 2 teams to see one another's steps would increase the fun of the challenge and decrease the work of the organizer in having to add up the steps of team members. 

Would be nice to have teams on challenges. My husband and I do challenges with friends. Some weeks we do couple versus couple. Some week we do girls versus guys. Would be nice to assign teams instead of having to add up steps.

On the Surge the date and month are displayed. Being retiredn it is easy to forget the day but I can remember the month.  Please display the date and day of the week, if space allows, include the month.


A more accurate batry conditionn indicator would also be nice.


The accuracy of Floor climbed needs work.

First Steps
The work week hustle has been a hit for me and my co workers but I got to thinking, how can we add team work and accountability to these fit bit challenges? So I was thinking maybe there can be an addition to the app where it involves teams during the work week hustle. Maybe a 2 vs 2 challenge.(most steps wins). It could improve motivation and accountability with a little bit of friendly competition. Instead of having one winner every week! I enjoy R&D so this fit right up the alley! Let me know if this could be possible, I think it could be a hit!
First Steps
My friends and I love the competition of the workweek hustle and weekend warrior challenges and would like to be able to compete against each other as teams instead of just individuals. We are playing this way ourselves now but it would be nice if the app would add steps for us and award trophies.
Tempo Runner
Great idea!!!! And a tournament would be nice, I think I posted an idea on that titled like great challenge ideas, maybe give it a look. Didn't even read the idea before I voted, good idea
Not applicable

A nice feature would be to setup a group of same members who challenge eachother often in challenges. This would elminate the need to choose each individual separately and potentially miss someone. Ease of challenges - come on Fitbit when is the next update?


Moderator Edit: Added Labels

Tempo Runner
Tempo Runner

Seems a bit confusing, considering the other captions don't get any teammates, and what if ppl quit? Then it's unbalanced teams

First Steps
Please take a look at This amazing, but overlooked Idea I saw!! Full of good challenge ideas. I suggest that everyone takes a look
10K Racer



The captains do get teammates.  See on the screenshots that Kirk is a member of Team Kirk...


Also, the stats for the team is based on average steps, not total steps.  So it doesn't really put anyone at a disadvantage.  For instance, let's say you have three teams:


Team One:

  Member1: 20k

  Member2: 30k

  Member3: 40k


Has an average of 30k steps per member ((20k + 30k + 40k) / 3).


Team Two:

  Member4: 25k

  Member4: 37k


Has an average of 31k steps per member ((25k + 37k) / 2).


If Member1 were to quit, then average for Team One will actually increase to 35k ((30k + 40k) / 2).

First Steps
Oh, it's averaged, that's interesting... It would probably turn into people kicking people weighting them down, so then they win
Tempo Runner
But I'm really liking the idea

I like the idea of team challenges and would like to add my 2 cents. My husband and I both have Fitbits, and it'd be great if we could team up as a couple against other pairs of challengers. (The family that Fitbits together, stays together :).) I find that it can be somewhat divisive if we participate in a challenge against each other--we'd love to be able to pair up against other couples or pairs of challengers in any given challenge.

First Steps
Love this idea.
First Steps
Dear Fitbit please could you develop a challenge on the app for teams? So 2 (or more) groups can go head to head. Whachoo fink?

I love my fitbit and regularly take part in workweek hustle and weekend warrior challenges, but would it be possible to have a team challenge where people in my hustle challenge another team doing a hustle? i think it wouold encourage team mates to encourage each other and be a fun way of gaining more steps.


- Allow user to create different groups with select friends

- Allow each group to have a dashboard and have their own custom badges from performance within the group. The group administrator should be able to create badges and qualifying criteria and supporting metrics which are then approved by individual members

- Dont allow anyone in my list to see the lists of other's friends and their friends ...and so on...No concept of security on there


First Steps
Great idea this, I am in Joffs challenge but also another one too and we could battle it out. I am keen for this to happen
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