The Food Database Option for Canada

Good day,


A Canadian Food Database option should also included since the product is sold in Canada.


I know about the custom option however I rather get fit than enter datas 🙂


Thank you


Moderator Edit: Updated label

First Steps

Can you add Canadian Food brands to your list of Foods by Brand?  Without this list the option is to run a second food calorie app. - not convienient enough to be practical so Fitbit becomes less useful.  I have noticed that this complaint is coming in from various countries so perhaps you need a menu option to choose counrty before the brands are displayed. 

First Steps

Hear, hear!  Another peeved Canadian here.  I don't want to enter all of the nutritional information for everything I eat into the tracker, it's really tedious.  I would prefer to use MyFitnessPal's food tracker to count calories since it has Canadian food, but if I don't use Fitbit's for this, my calories burned & weight estimations will be less accurate, yes?

Please consider adding this info in the future.




Absolutely! I appreciate that this is a US company, but am irritated that Canada is not listed as a home locale!  Aussies 1 Canadians/Canadiens Zip.  Last time I checked my atlas, there was more than one country in North America.  I avoid eating imported foods, and try to purchase Canadian made goods. (Yup, even at a higher cost).  The owner of a US chain in Coquitlam closed down because the US Eastern chain didn't get why many BC residents would want wild BC Salmon over farmed, and refused to add it to the menu.  Because of the limits of FB's data base, I manually enter calories based on information from restaurants, grocerers, My Fitness Pal, and Canadian agricultural organizations.  This takes time, and is certainly annoying, but I won't be bullied into being Americanized.  I take the good, I leave the bad, and there you have:  "The Facts of Canadian Life!"  Not entirely satisfactory, but until the Big 'Un gets it, I do the best I can.

First Steps

Any Idea when there will be an Update with Canadian measurements and foods listed?


Yes I agree, the whole measurment system needs an overhaul. It is not very robust or easy to use, and since i don't eat at resteraunts, it's not of mych value. It's too difficult to use now

First Steps

The restaurant food is convenient but what I would find most useful, as a Canadian, would be 

having canadian brands of products put in the food lists. Presently I put each product in my personal list each time I use it.

Recovery Runner

I would love the ability to scan foods right now the app only suppors US food database!  I would actually use the app more if I had this ability

Stepping Up

Yeah, there is the feedback request in the system already.. pls vote for:



First Steps
Why is there a discrepancy between Canadian and US calories? Ex: The Laughing Cow light cream cheese's calories indicated on the package is 50 cals for 2 portions (25 cals for 1 portion), while on your web site a 1 edge portion is 35 cals? Why the difference between the two? This has happened with other foods also which is one of the reason you should have a Canadian section. You have it for other countries, why not Canada. It could be based on the Canadian Food Guide issued by Health Canada. Just a suggestion.

New to Fitbit this week. Terribly disappointed to not be able to scan food barcodes. When will Fitbit be able to scan barcodes on Canadian food items? 

First Steps

I love the option to scan the bar code on food products however on items purchased in Canada, even though the same product is sold in the US, it tells me it can't find any info.  Very frustrating.  My Fitness Pal was AWESOME as allowing me to scan bar codes on all kinds of Canadian products.  PLEASE add our foods to your program! ❤️


First Steps
The Canadian food database is promised but not yet added
Not applicable

I have to agree with shadow. It would be alot easyer for Canada fitbit users to use the food guide. I have stoped posting them because it take time for me to look it up and then open this program up and add it in. 

Not applicable

we Canadain's who use food database should be able to post the food we eat just like anyone else. I have stoped doing so because right now it takes to much time. I want to be out there walking, running ect...not sitting down and adding food datebase.


We canadains who by Fitbit should have the same rights as anyone else.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Progression Runner

Thanks for this suggestion! We're always working to expand our Food Database. 

Please can fit bit establish a south African data base
First Steps

As noted by others, please Canadian brands to the selectable food lists.

Recovery Runner
Should be a given- you sell this product in Canada. Everything I scan is not recognized.
First Steps

I agree if a product is sold in Canada a Canadian food product database should be available.  I try and choose closest to my actual foods but not totally accurate. 


Food base for NZ would be great as well, very difficult to match US products to NZ ones.

First Steps

I think if you're retailing them in Canada, it only makes sense to have a Canadian food DB.  I'd be more OK if this wasn't sold and advertised in Canadian stores.  But seeing as it is, this seems like poor judgement from FitBit.  Please see Target's announcement this week regarding their very botched Canadian launch and subsequent $2.1B write down as they leave the Canadian market.

First Steps

I believe if selling products in Canada should be customized for that region if not dont make the product available.  Ripoff.

First Steps
Canadian Food Database please!!! Lack of this negates the usefulness of your great products for a lot of your current and potential customers.
First Steps
PLEASE add some A Canadian food database with the Fitbit. I use MyNetDiary and would LOVE it if my Fitbit could sync everything. Are there plans for this????
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