The Next Gen Fitbit - my ideal!

I've been using a fitbit (zip and one) for about a year now, and I've been following the new products.  Here's my reaction.


The Flex was a good idea, but for me, wasn't a real option, as I often wear a watch, and the flex would mean a watch and the flex.


The Force allows more data to be seen, but doesn't really replace a watch, as something needs to be done to just see the time (reminds me of the LED watches of many years ago, where you had to push a button to see the time...)


My ideal tracker however, would be a fitbit inside a sports watch.  (like is done with some heart rate monitors).  You have LCD watch on your wrist, with the date/time that you can always see, local watch functions like a stopwatch and alarm, and standard band clips, so you can use any band you want.  A push of a button could take you to the fitbit "stuff", like steps, calories, and distance.


And the techie in me says it would be very cool, is if it used inductive charging, so when you took of the watch and laid it on a charging pad, it could recharge!


Moderator Edit: Updated label

Base Runner

I am assuing one reason why the time is not displayed 100% of the time is battery life.

as a comprimise how about a shake sequence such as three quick flicks of the hand within two seconds. This action would signal FB to display the time  for 5 seconds. 


The above shake sure seems to be well within the motion dection capabilties of the device.  


What is nice about such a shake sequence is this is a motion which is easy to perform yet something which is NOT routinely performed thorughout the day.


Because of the above FB would not incorrectly be displaying the time throughout the day.  

Yet at the same time people do shake their hands to get blood flowing and/or loosen up this means performing the sequence would NOT be so abnormal that others would suspect you mentally ill just for doing it.   


The suggestion would tend to give you the best of all worlds - extended battery life with a quick way to obtain the time without pressing buttons.


Status changed to: Released
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Fitbit's next generation tracker, the Fitbit Surge, has all these features and more. Check it out!

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