
I think it should be able to tell you the temperature and the weather with an icon that could show a cloud or a sun or a rain drop depending on the weather. It would use ur phone and current location to get the data. I would buy a Fitbit for that feature alone.

Moderator Edit: Edited labels.

Not applicable

@SteveH I would think it would download weather data once a day (or on request using a refresh button) via bluetooth and store on watch 

Community Legend

Downloading when synced makes sense (so you can check the weather when you don't have your phone with you) but if you do have your phone with you to enable download on request wouldn't it just be easier to get the forecast on your phone?

Recovery Runner

I'm sure it could give the current temp without having to connect to the internet like the Garmin Vivovit HR does

First Steps

I've been wishing my fitbit tracker displayed the tempature as well.   I would LOVE this feature. 


Yes, the Garmin Vivosmart HR has this feature.  It shows the high and low for the day and precipitation %.  Then you can tap on it and it will give a 4 day hi-lo.   It is nice for on the fly planning.   It's like - swipe, swipe, tap - Thursday looks like a warm day, let's plan for Thursday.  Instead of.... hold on, let me get my phone - unlock phone, find app, tap open app, etc,  Woman Wink


I currently own a Blaze and a charge HR I really only use the Blaze though. If Fitbit wants the Blaze to compete with the Apple watch they have to all least add weather, I did see they added all notifications which is a step in the correct direction. PLEASE FITBIT add the feature of weather.

On my Alta I would love to see a depiction of the outdoor weather on my tracker. If it synced to my phones weather service then there wouldn't be any new components to add to the tracker. I would just like to see a showing of how the sky looks, and then the temperature next to/ below that. Thank you so much!

First Steps

Current Local outside tempurature on the main dashboard

First Steps

Having a screen that has the temperature outside accompanied by an icon of a cloud, cloud w rain, or sun for the current weather in the users location.


Also a screen that has the ability to stay light for at least a minute for the counting of resp/pulse for the nursing population its awkward to wear two watch I have started to utilize the countdown screen but not has convenient as the timer in these scenarios. Thanks!

Tempo Runner

Good idea. Sync your Fitbit & see the weather simulatneously. Kill 2 birds with one stone.


i think this would be a useful feature to have! i just got a new charge 2 and the first thing i was thinking when i got up this morning was, wouldn't it be nice if this had the weather on here?


Why is this solved? Is there a weather widget on the Blaze?

It's been in "Status: Reviewed By Moderator" for more than one year. How hard can it be? Is that difficult to make a watch that is useful?

First Steps

I would love to have a weather app added on fitbits so I no longer need to check my phone. 

Stepping Up

Hello FitBit team, I got the Charge 2 and I'm happy with it. But, I think that there should be weather notification embedded in with the firmware!!  Who's with me, FitBit? Not knowing what is out there? OR Add weather for a better day?!!!!!

Community Legend

Love the idea but as the Charge 2 doesn't have internet access it would have to get the weather from your phone. And if you've got your phone with you do you really need to see the weather on the tiny Charge 2 screen?

Stepping Up

Well, that would make the Charge 2 even more special.

First Steps

Good morning,


I've been using my Fitbit now for about two weeks and it's an amazing tool. There are a couple things that I've noticed that would be very helpful at getting a more accurate reading on activity.


First, synced or integrated weather. I live in the Central Valley of California and the heat in the summer or cold in the winter where I used to live in Buffalo, NY effects how we burn calories, etc. If the device knows this it can adjust to how much our bodies are really working every day. My wife said that the heart rate would show this difference, especially when working out, but at rest, in the heat and cold, our bodies work harder trying to stay cooler or warmer. 


Next, being able to modify workout variables for running/walking. I'm former military and a firefighter. For both professions we would do PT with gear on. It would be nice to see how much I'm working when I'm running with a ruck on, weight vest, turnouts, etc. Or how much I'm working during training because the outside variables are not included in the workout.


Third, I own a Max Trainer and it has its own integrated heart rate monitor. It would be great if the Fitbit could sync directly with it for a more accurate reading instead of wearing two HR monitors.


I am not a or a software engineer, but I'm sure someone much smarter than I could figure out a way to integrate these ideas and get a nice promotion.


Thanks much for your time.

First Steps

I own the blaze and think the only thing missing from it is weather access then it would be perfect. As a fitness app/watch I think weather access should be at the top priority for its users because most people exercise outside. 

Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Jacklittle601, we’re excited to let you know that the feature you proposed here has now been implemented in the newest Fitbit tracker, Ionic. You can learn more about Ionic and it’s new features, like the weather app, music and payments here: Thank you so much for your suggestion and for taking the time to share your ideas to help us make trackers better.

First Steps
I'd love to be at BETA tester for the Iconic!

Very Respectfully,
Pete Cacossa
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Cacossa437, thanks for the offer. I do not believe we're recruiting testers for Ionic right now but do sign up or keep your profile up to date here just in case:

Keeping Pace

A weather app would be awesome. Maybe you should create a clock face with basic weather info on. Or a separate section like for exercise and relax.

Many thanks 

First Steps

Why is this taking so long?  My pebble had a basic weather feature and even a 5 day forecast.  

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