XL Bands for Charge 3

Currently I have the Alta HR tracker.  I like to wear my fitbit on my ankle so that it counts all my steps.  I have found when I wear it on my wrist it doesn't count my biking, pushing a stroller or pushing a grocery cart.  I have gotten around this by purchasing the XL band and wearing my tracker on my ankle.  Waalaa, no more missing steps. 


However, I was looking to upgrade to the new Charge 3 since it is waterproof.  The problem is that an XL band is not sold for the Charge 3, I need 9" the large band only goes to 8.6".   I think it would be beneficial if you would offer the option of purchasing an XL band with all of your products.  


Thanks for your consideration. 

First Steps

I recently purchased a Fitbit Charge 3 to replace my Charge 2 as the battery was not holding a charge for longer than a day or two. I was excited to have a tracker with the same features (and waterproof!) but found that it only comes with the small and large bands.


This is an issue as I am a much larger guy at 6'2" and 300lbs and my wrists are around the 9 inch range. One of the reasons I loved my Fitbit Charge 2 is that there was an XL band for it which fit well around my wrist with plenty of room for scaling up or down if needed. Currently I am using the Large band for my Fitbit Charge 3 and it is on the 3rd to last hole and is starting to chafe my wrist from it being so tight against my skin.


Could you please make an XL band for your Charge 3 devices? Even if it was only available through the website I would love to be able to have a band that fits well. I have seen other threads for your other devices that are requesting the same size band. Help a big guy out! lol

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Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Talonias. Thanks for sharing your idea about having XL bands available for the Charge 3. This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here to keep this board organized and understand which idea other members are voting for. While this isn't currently planned at this moment, we have left voting open so we can keep tracking this request over time. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

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