I would like to trigger an acoustic (or optical) signal on my phone, based on data collected by my FitBit Versa.
What I have done so far is use the Web API:
Versa --> 24h Sync to iPhone --> FitBit Server --> Web API --> my server polling & analyzing --> e-mail --> iPhone chimes on e-mail receipt
Of course this seems much too complicated, and relies on lots of servers.
I would prefer something using the SDK only, like
Hand-coded clockface on Versa --> Companion app in FitBit app on iPhone --> acoustic signal on iPhone
Ideally this would also work when the iPhone does not have internet connectivity, and involve as few separate servers/devices/apps as possible.
Questions I have:
- I haven't found a way to trigger anything like sound/E-Mail directly on the iPhone from the Companion API, except maybe if I wrote a separate iPhone app that listened on some port that the Companion API could send a POST request? Is there any other workaround? For example some existing messaging app that I could send to directly from the companion app?
- Is there any other way to trigger sound on the iPhone, either from a Versa clockface, or from the Companion app, without going through the internet?
- In terms of reliability: I know there are cases where 24h Sync to iPhone will not transmit data (e.g. Bluetooth connectivity issues). Are there cases where messaging from Watchface to Companion will be more reliable/faster, especially when I transfer only a few Bytes, compared to the full sync done automatically? Or is the inverse true, because companion messages have lower priority than the regular data sync?
- Overall, does adding a Companion app to my stack seem like a good approach? Or do you have any better ideas?
The following posts and feature requests seem related and have reduced my hopes, but I wanted to be sure:
Thanks for your help!!!