02-18-2019 13:16
02-18-2019 13:16
I try to change the dur attribute of an animation with javascript but without success...
In my code below the idea is to change the dur attribute of animateTransform id "ballAnimation2"
<svg> <defs> <symbol id="ballSymbol"> <g id="ballGroup" transform="translate(92%,92%)" pointer-events="visible" > <animateTransform id="ballAnimation1" attributeType="translate" from="92%,92%" to="92%,8%" dur="2" begin="click" /> <animateTransform id="ballAnimation2" attributeType="translate" from="92%,8%" to="92%,92%" dur="2" begin="click+2" /> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="7%" fill="white"/> </g> </symbol> </defs> <use id="ball" href="#ballSymbol"/> </svg>
const ball = document.getElementById("ball"); const ballAnimation1 = ball.getElementById("ballAnimation1"); const ballAnimation2 = ball.getElementById("ballAnimation2"); ballAnimation2.dur="20"; ball.animate("click");
What do I do wrong ??