Hi, I'm having a trouble with the Web API. I'm querying the activities of a user on a given day and get one activity with around 5k steps, while on the Fitbit Android APP the steps that are being display are arround 7k in multiple moments of the day.

The json response of the API is this:
"activities": [
"activeDuration": 3226000,
"activeZoneMinutes": {
"minutesInHeartRateZones": [
"minuteMultiplier": 0,
"minutes": 0,
"order": 0,
"type": "OUT_OF_ZONE",
"zoneName": "Out of Range"
"minuteMultiplier": 2,
"minutes": 0,
"order": 3,
"type": "PEAK",
"zoneName": "Peak"
"minuteMultiplier": 2,
"minutes": 2,
"order": 2,
"type": "CARDIO",
"zoneName": "Cardio"
"minuteMultiplier": 1,
"minutes": 8,
"order": 1,
"type": "FAT_BURN",
"zoneName": "Fat Burn"
"totalMinutes": 12
"activityLevel": [
"minutes": 0,
"name": "sedentary"
"minutes": 0,
"name": "lightly"
"minutes": 1,
"name": "fairly"
"minutes": 52,
"name": "very"
"activityName": "Aerobic Workout",
"activityTypeId": 3001,
"averageHeartRate": 121,
"calories": 447,
"duration": 3226000,
"hasActiveZoneMinutes": true,
"heartRateZones": [
"caloriesOut": 343.11152000000004,
"max": 123,
"min": 30,
"minutes": 43,
"name": "Out of Range"
"caloriesOut": 81.92558,
"max": 148,
"min": 123,
"minutes": 8,
"name": "Fat Burn"
"caloriesOut": 21.8297,
"max": 179,
"min": 148,
"minutes": 2,
"name": "Cardio"
"caloriesOut": 0,
"max": 220,
"min": 179,
"minutes": 0,
"name": "Peak"
"logId": 52595934251,
"logType": "auto_detected",
"manualValuesSpecified": {
"calories": false,
"distance": false,
"steps": false
"originalDuration": 3226000,
"steps": 5298,
"pagination": {
"limit": 10,
"next": "",
"offset": 0,
"previous": "",
"sort": "desc"