03-01-2021 09:06
03-01-2021 09:06
I was excited to hear that Fitbit has included the EDA sensor in the Fitbit Sense only to discover it's not continuous and the data is not logged which is not very useful for researchers. I really think that Fitbit is underestimating the value of such feature which is currently available in only few watches in the market which are very expensive. There is here a huge missed market and business opportunity.
03-05-2021 08:53
03-05-2021 08:53
Thanks for the feedback. I'd recommend submitting it via feature suggestions. https://community.fitbit.com/t5/forums/postpage/board-id/features/search-before-post-mode/true
03-07-2021 07:31
03-07-2021 07:31
Hi, I believe some sensor data may not be made readily/continuously available to devs because some medical data is legally classified in such a way that gathering this from average users could be illegal. I don't know what's possible (there may not be a good way to let you at this data at all) but Fitbit does have a program for researchers that might be the necessary avenue if this is indeed possible: https://healthsolutions.fitbit.com/researchers/
Good luck!