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Error 0 Critical glue error when adding extra tile list item to tile list advanced usage example

So for my app I'm following the Advanced Usage example of Tile List from the View Components Guide, but I'm getting a weird error.


If I copy the .css over and change the .gui stuff to fit my app like so:

<svg id="Trainers" class="holder">
      <symbol id="my-tile-item" href="#tile-list-item" focusable="false"
              pointer-events="none" system-events="all">
        <text id="text" />
        <rect id="tile-divider-bottom" class="tile-divider-bottom" />
        <rect id="touch-me" pointer-events="all" x="0" y="0" width="100%"
              height="100%-2" opacity="0" />
    <use id="my-list" href="#tile-list">
      <var id="separator-height-bottom" value="2" />
      <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item">
        <image href="images/trainers/1.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/>
        <image href="images/trainers/1p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/>
        <text class="left" x="90" y="35">Caterina</text>
      <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item">
        <image href="images/trainers/2.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/>
        <image href="images/trainers/2p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/>
        <text class="left" x="90" y="35">Antonio</text>
      <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item">
        <image href="images/trainers/3.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/>
        <image href="images/trainers/3p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/>
        <text class="left" x="90" y="35">Magnus</text>
      <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item">
        <image href="images/trainers/4.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/>
        <image href="images/trainers/4p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/>
        <text class="left" x="90" y="35">William</text>
      <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item">
        <image href="images/trainers/5.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/>
        <image href="images/trainers/5p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/>
        <text class="left" x="90" y="35">Chris</text>

It works fine in this case, but when I try to add extra tile items I get a:

Error 0: Critical Glue Error

Is there something in the guide that dictates how many list items can be available? How can increase that so I can have more?

I saw another post regarding this error that said it could be because the images don't have id's. Could that be the case? If so, why would 5 with id's be fine, but then 6 with id's is not?

With more than 5 tile list itemsWith more than 5 tile list items


With only 5 tile list itemsWith only 5 tile list items

 Thanks for any help!

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I would take a look at the new Virtual Tile List example, that might suit you better.

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I've also gotten bitten by this error with tile lists. It usually turns out to be a missing id.


Here's my checklist:

  1. The tile list itself needs an id.
  2. Each tile list item needs an id.
  3. Elements embedded in the tile list items (examples: images, text) need ids.
  4. If you are selecting elements to update via document, make sure you're calling document.getElementById, not getElementbyId or getElementByID.

Sometimes, with a short tile list, you can get away with a few missing ids - especially if you aren't selecting them by id via the accessor from document.

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