05-26-2018 20:24 - edited 05-26-2018 20:25
05-26-2018 20:24 - edited 05-26-2018 20:25
So for my app I'm following the Advanced Usage example of Tile List from the View Components Guide, but I'm getting a weird error.
If I copy the .css over and change the .gui stuff to fit my app like so:
<svg id="Trainers" class="holder"> <defs> <symbol id="my-tile-item" href="#tile-list-item" focusable="false" pointer-events="none" system-events="all"> <text id="text" /> <rect id="tile-divider-bottom" class="tile-divider-bottom" /> <rect id="touch-me" pointer-events="all" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%-2" opacity="0" /> </symbol> </defs> <use id="my-list" href="#tile-list"> <var id="separator-height-bottom" value="2" /> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <image href="images/trainers/1.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/> <image href="images/trainers/1p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/> <text class="left" x="90" y="35">Caterina</text> </use> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <image href="images/trainers/2.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/> <image href="images/trainers/2p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/> <text class="left" x="90" y="35">Antonio</text> </use> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <image href="images/trainers/3.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/> <image href="images/trainers/3p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/> <text class="left" x="90" y="35">Magnus</text> </use> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <image href="images/trainers/4.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/> <image href="images/trainers/4p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/> <text class="left" x="90" y="35">William</text> </use> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <image href="images/trainers/5.png" x="11" y="0" width="43" height="43"/> <image href="images/trainers/5p.png" x="50" y="6" width="40" height="30"/> <text class="left" x="90" y="35">Chris</text> </use> </use> </svg>
It works fine in this case, but when I try to add extra tile items I get a:
Error 0: Critical Glue Error
Is there something in the guide that dictates how many list items can be available? How can increase that so I can have more?
I saw another post regarding this error that said it could be because the images don't have id's. Could that be the case? If so, why would 5 with id's be fine, but then 6 with id's is not?
With more than 5 tile list items
With only 5 tile list items
Thanks for any help!
06-05-2018 17:13
06-05-2018 17:13
I would take a look at the new Virtual Tile List example, that might suit you better.
12-19-2018 00:48
12-19-2018 00:48
I've also gotten bitten by this error with tile lists. It usually turns out to be a missing id.
Here's my checklist:
Sometimes, with a short tile list, you can get away with a few missing ids - especially if you aren't selecting them by id via the accessor from document.