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Feature request: Controlling FitBit Studio functions via an HTTP API



I am developing with a local editor. I know others are, too. I do it primarily so that I might use a local build-process, greatly expanding my options w.r.t. source language, bundling libraries, minimisation, how I organise my files, etc. It also allows me to commit my code to GitHub, and collaborate with colleagues.


In an ideal world, we wouldn't have to go through Fitbit Studio at all to build, simulate and side-load

apps. And if I'm not mistaken, this is on your roadmap. Kudos for that. That will be awesome.


But in the meantime, it may be possible to meet us halfway, requiring minimal effort from FitBit, and providing benefit for all concerned.




If we could upload files, build, connect and side-load projects through a set of authenticated HTTP endpoints (things we can already do through the FitBit Studio UI) it would solve most problems while reusing almost all of FitBit's existing infrastructure.


Once we have that, it unlocks the open-source community to write scripts, IDE plugins and the like. Everybody wins.


Do you think this is feasible?


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Command line tools are coming soon, can't say when exactly, but keep an eye on Twitter and our blog.

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That sounds good. Are we talking weeks, months?



I'd be happy to alpha / beta test.

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