10-06-2017 09:10 - edited 10-06-2017 10:20
10-06-2017 09:10 - edited 10-06-2017 10:20
I believe I found the issue. My icons were 75x75, but I was using the height/width tag to scale them thinking they were 50x50. Once I scaled them to the exact size, the flickering issue is gone.
Not sure what I've done wrong, but I'm trying to use 2 PNG icons with alpha channels and am having an issue. When I display just one at a time, it displays just fine.
However, when I try displaying both on screen at the same time, I get some weird bug where it will only display one or the other, and it switches between display at random. They are both never on screen at the same time.
Simple SVG declare for them:
<image id="steps" href="steps.png" height="50" width="50" x="112" y="18"/>
<image id="power" href="power.png" height="50" width="50" x="180" y="18"/>
Any ideas on what I could check on?
10-06-2017 15:09
10-06-2017 15:09
Thanks for the update!